Page 23 of Born a Hero

“You sound surprised.”

“I am. I’ve always thought Charlene didn’t like or trust me and wanted to keep my son as far away from home as possible.”

Stunned, Dena questioned, “Why would you think that? Has she said anything?” Not wanting to come across too harshly, Dena prickled with fury that anyone could treat Sonja unkindly and make her question her worth. “I’ve heard of crazy-assed mothers-in-law, and knowing you even for this short time, I could never imagine you fitting into that role. She must be the one with a problem.”

Sonja jumped to her feet and started prowling around the small space. “I don’t know. I’ve rarely had the chance to talk with her or get to know her very well. Whenever I came to visit, and that was only when Hank was alive, she seemed fine with him but always shied away from spending any time with me. I guess my feelings got hurt, and now I’m so uncomfortable in her presence, it’s sad.”

Before they could continue with their conversation, the doorbell rang. Both going to the door, Dena stood back when a younger man rushed into the room, heading straight for Sonja. “Mom,” he pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her hair. “I was terrified for you. I’m so glad to see you looking so well.”

“Honey, I told you on the phone I was fine.”

“I know you did but you have a way of making things seem less traumatic than they really are. Charlene warned me that you’d most likely be trying to make me stop worrying when in actual fact we were both going crazy. You were stuck alone in a house with water up to the attic, Mom. God, no wonder we were terrified.”

Dena stood back while Jamie and his mom carried on their greeting. She watched the woman hovering in the background and got an eyeful. Charlene’s whole manner had been one of worry until she saw Sonja, and then relief had covered her expression like a veil of softness.

Probably thinking no one watched, Dena saw her shaking hand reach forward and then be quickly pushed behind her back as a wall slowly descended around her earlier body language. As much as she might want to, this girl had no courage or self-confidence to move toward Sonja.

Eventually, once Jamie had been reassured, Sonja made the first move and turned to Charlene. She smiled warily. “Thank you for coming with Jamie and for being here, Charlene. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

Charlene nodded. Her fixed smile obviously in place to hide her true feelings. “I’m glad you’re okay, Sonja. Jamie was frantic and so were the kids. Did he tell you that he’s arranged a crew to get here today? Jamie tell her.”

Doing just that, he took his mother’s hand and began to lead her toward the sofa until she held back. “Let’s go enjoy the garden. It’s such a beautiful day, one might not believe the earlier weather we’ve just suffered through, right Dena?”

Dena laughed and agreed. “It’s been like a nightmare. Without video proof, many might question our sanity.”

Sonja laughed and pointed toward Dena. “This is one of my new friends and attic companions, Dena Low. Please meet my son Jamie and his wife Charlene.”

While chuckling softly, Dena reached out to shake hands with them both and corrected Sonja at the same time. “Our last name is actually pronounced Lore. I’m afraid my son Justin who’s around here somewhere doesn’t say his r’s correctly. They all sound like w’s.”

As if she couldn’t help herself, Charlene stepped forward, breaking into the conversation. “Please don’t be angry with him. He can’t help it. I had a huge speech impediment as a child, and it took me years and good teachers to finally get me to speak properly. It’s a terrible handicap.”

Dena saw the authentic worry in a mother’s eyes and reached out unthinking to pat her hand. “No, no. I never make him feel bad about it. I correct him if others don’t understand what he’s saying but only when he wants me to. The teachers in his first grade class are working wonders with him.” She glanced around when she heard the puppy’s feet tapping against the hardwood floor. “Here he is now. Honey, come and meet Sonja’s family. This is Jamie, Sonja’s son, and this lady is Charlene, her daughter-in-law.” She put her arm around Justin’s shoulders to keep him snug beside her and said, “This is my brave son, Justin. He dove into the water to save this lost little monster puppy. Now they’re best buddies.”

Justin giggled and shook hands the way he’d been taught. “My puppy isn’t scarwed no more. He wants to stay with me and Mommy and Sonja. Wight, Sonja?”

Laughing, the older woman swept him in her arms to give him a squeeze. “That’s true, my lad. He’s a fine pup but remember, we need to make sure someone doesn’t already own him.”

Justin’s face fell at the reminder. “I know. I wemember. But maybe nobody wants him as much as I do.”

“That’s a possibility for sure.”

“And Bwyce said he’d help me find out.”

“That’s true.” Dena hugged him to her side and began to urge everyone to the patio. “Why don’t you come and help me get some iced tea for Sonja’s family, okay? Then we can take-out for dinner.”

Once everyone was settled and Jamie and Charlene had fussed enough over the puppy who now had collapsed in a curled-up nap under the table, Sonja explained what had happened to her over the last few days and how they came to be staying here with Bryce.

Relieved, and more so as the story progressed, Jamie told her his plans. “It’s probably a good thing, Mom. I expect the crew will be arriving later… after dinner. They’re driving a couple motor homes we rented, but it’ll take time to set them up. We’re bringing one for the men, and the other for me and Charlene to use while we’re here. Of course, your welcome to stay in there with us.”

Charlene piped up, “After what you just went through, having to shelter in your attic, I’m sure Bryce’s home is like paradise. I’m in awe that you’re taking the flood situation so well.”

Jamie spoke up. “Charlene fretted the whole time until you called. She made the reservations for the plane saying it would take too long to drive and since the crew was coming anyway, they could bring along both motor homes. She was like a dynamo, Mom. Organized it all. I’m only glad we’re here and everything is fine except for the house.”

Charlene spoke up. “And that will be fixed as soon as possible for you, Sonja.”

Dena felt Sonja flinch and immediately understood her reaction. She’d taken Charlene’s remarks to signify that we’ll get you fixed up so you can stay here, and we won’t need to be around any longer than necessary. Then we’ll be off the hook and can get back to our own world… the one without you in it.

Yet something in Charlene’s tone belied that meaning. Watching her closely, Dena saw the anxiety in her eyes and for some reason got the feeling that she was only trying to please… to make Sonja happy.