Walking past a bar lit up like a neon sign factory, he saw the patrons through the window all laughing, some dancing, the music catchy. His feet walked him right through the door.
That’s when he essentially walked into the girl who took his breath away. She’d been backing out from her chair, dropped something, and had reached down to retrieve it. He didn’t see her there and stumbled into her. If he hadn’t been so quick to hold her to him, she’d have ended up headfirst into a table leg.
Laughing, the female had turned to look up at him. “My hero.” She’d sighed theatrically.
He could see she’d had a few drinks already but wasn’t too far gone. The wine he’d drunk with dinner had loosened his tongue, and he’d had an instant come back. “Happy to be of service, Princess,” he’d drawled, using a deep, silly tone. “Can I buy you a drink to make up for your fearful experience?”
“It’s me who needs to buy you one for saving my life, my prince.” Exaggeration had seemed silly enough that they both laughed. “Join me.” She’d plunked herself back down and kicked a chair out for him to use.
The rest of their time had passed in a lot of laughing, close dancing, hand touches and eventually kissing. Taking it back to her place, they’d fallen through her door in a panic to truly be together.
He remembered wanting to slow things down and enjoy every moment. At first, his princess had tried to hurry him along but soon she got with the program.
After he’d spent a long time kissing her lips, loving her neck, and then paying the same sort of homage to her body, she’d seemed to understand. She began doing the same. Their long, sexy kisses had started a blaze in both of them.
When he’d touched her skin reverently, loving the feel of the satin smoothness, she’d arched toward him, like a devout maiden submitting herself up as an offering… willingly giving him permission to do as he wanted.
He’d never had this happen to him with any other female, and it had made him more aware that he had the responsibility for her to enjoy this moment as much as he was.
And so he found the erogenous areas on her gorgeous body that he could treat lovingly. In turn, she’d squirmed and wrapped herself around him, opening herself to his fingers and lips.
God… he’d made love to that woman using every technique he’d ever heard about, and she’d repaid him by giving herself entirely. They’d combusted during their first round.
During the second, incredible, slow time, they’d both gotten into a rhythm that only lovers reach. Because feelings are involved, it changes from a sexual encounter to making love. Their own joining suddenly reached a whole different level. They’d melded together in a sweaty, hot mass of emotions that neither had ever reached before.
“It’s never been like this for me,” she’d said as they slow-kissed their way from heaven back to earth.
“Me either, Princess. That was indescribable.”
Afterwards, wrapped together, they’d passed out and the few hours left had flown by. When the timer on his watch woke him the next morning, he’d had to run or at least felt he did.
Worst mistake he'd ever made. He should have woken her and got her name. Made sure to remember her address. Marked the street where she lived. Any one of those things. But as a young man who still felt the world revolved around his wishes, and that things would magically fall into place because he wanted them to, he’d been positive they’d be together again.
What he hadn’t known was that it would be seven years later. And there might be a son who’d been created the night he’d never forgot.
The possibility stared him in the face. Tears suddenly struck, finding a home in a heart who loved kids. He had to blink them away before he broke down and made an ass out of himself.
Could that precious boy be his own flesh and blood? Oh, God, please let it be so. Shivers of delight struck, and he crossed his arms to hold in the shout of triumph. A boy. A father. No… a daddy. Him.
He looked over at Dena laughing at something Rose had just said, and he saw her glance his way. Was that worry? Could she be afraid of him? Of what he might say?
He nodded and then smiled, seeing her relax instantly.
As much as he needed confirmation for his suspicions, he also wanted to cling to his secret realization for just a little longer. After all, it might be a pipedream. Right?
Before he could do anything more, a thud and then screams from outside the window caught his attention.
Chapter Eighteen
Bryce moved quickly to see who needed attention and saw that an elderly man with a canoe carrying three passengers was calling for help.
He opened the window and saw that the poor people were suffering shock, all huddled around an older woman, probably the wife of the paddler.
“Can you help us? We can’t get to dry land with this storm. I’ve tried but the canoe is weighed down and the wind just keeps pushing us in circles. I see you have shelter.”
Liam suddenly appeared and they both exclaimed, “Of course.” Bryce added, “You can all come inside. There’s lots of room. Do you have a rope?”
When it was passed up, Liam took it and tied it to one of the rafters so the boat couldn’t go anywhere. Then the two men slowly helped each of the passengers into the room.