Page 11 of Born a Hero

“I saw it rising from my pole. When I tried to climb higher, my feet found one of those big garbage cans. It must have been carried closer with the moving water and it lodged against where I hung on. It gave me a bit of respite having a platform below to stand on when I couldn’t reach the ground anymore.”

“Yet you did let go because I found you on the tree.”

“Yes. I blessed that tree. As it floated along, the branches got held up by the garbage can and the pole. Since my arms had gone numb, and my hands were useless by then, I was able to perch on the wider limb just in time.” A sob broke, and Bryce squeezed her gently.

“How horrifying. You must have been terrified.”

“All I could think of was Justin. I had to find him somehow, but I couldn’t move. Then the tree broke loose and well, you know the rest.” She looked toward where her son now lay sleeping comfortably and sighed. “How can I ever thank you?”

“No thanks needed, Dena. None whatsoever. In times like this, everyone does what they can to assist someone else. It’s what I love about this country. I’ve seen it over and over again in the hospital. Makes me feel fortunate to live here.”

“I know what you mean. I’m a caregiver and have a number of clients who I’m proud to look after. They’re all so loving and kind, those folks. Makes me happy to go to work every day. Now I’m terrified to think of what might be happening to them in this disaster.”

Bryce chuckled in a gentle way that made her feel better. “No doubt someone has stepped in to take care of them.”

“It’s what I’ve prayed for.” Dena never wanted this moment to end but she knew she had to ask. “Won’t your wife be frantic about you? Is she safe?”

“I’m not married. Never had the time when I was starting in medicine and then couldn’t find the right girl I’d want to be with for the rest of my life. It’s not easy today to find that person. How about you?”

“I’ve had the same experience. Never did meet Mr. Right.” She added the wordagainin her head. She felt Bryce nodding and relaxed immediately. Because of her excitement at his pronouncement, she patted his back without thinking.

As if he took that as encouragement to continue, he added, “It’s a jungle out there. Sometime I’ll share the crazy experiences I’ve had searching for a woman I’d consider normal without all that baggage everyone seems to be dragging behind them today.”

“I’d like that. After I got pregnant with Justin, I left behind my wild ways and became so ahh… goody-two-shoes, my roommates would gag.” She laughed along with him but secretly remembered the exhausting fights she’d had against the pressures the others put on her to come and let loose, live a little… have some fun.

“Tell me about your life now.” He rubbed her arm and mesmerized her with the soft tone in his voice.

And so she shared more with him than she normally would. Being a reticent soul who kept her business to herself, she felt like she’d known him forever. Plus, he was a doctor and from her experience with the good ones, mostly, they cared. “One of my ladies is almost ninety years old, and she still walks around the block every day. And it’s a long block,” she clarified. “I often go with her, and it shocks me to see how many people are sitting outside on their porches, waiting to greet her. Sometimes she stops to chat, and I swear she knows every sick relative of those folks, and she enquires about them too. Maisy is her name. She’s my favorite.”

Knowing her chattiness might be bothering him, she looked up and saw his twinkling eyes staring down.

“Go on. I’m enjoying myself, listening. The conversation is making our situation feel natural rather than frightening. Tell me about more of your ladies.”

“Oh, I don’t just care for females. I have a few gentlemen that need my help too. Harold is a special fellow. He’s a card player, likes to bet on the games.”

His laughter preceded his quip. “Have you lost the barn yet?”

“Oh, we bet candies, and the local convenience store owner is always freakishly delighted when I’m forced to buy yet another bag of chocolate kisses.”

“He knows about your gambling problem?”

“In a weak moment, I coughed up an explanation for the multi sweet purchases.”

This time his laughter broke loose, and she had to shush him so he wouldn’t wake the others. “I’ll tell you about the others another time. You must be exhausted yourself. Maybe we should take advantage of the morning hours and try to nap a little.”

He loosened his hold on her and stared down. “You’re right, of course. Suddenly, I feel tired again, and you must be exhausted. Look, why don’t you go and cuddle next to Justin. I’ll check on Sonja. It’s chilly up here and Justin would welcome your warmth.”

Dena heard the affection in his voice and tenderness washed over her. A need to let him know how much she appreciated him became vital, and she turned her head so she could kiss his cheek. Unknowing of her intentions, he also went to face her, and her lips connected to his face only inches from his lips.

They froze.

For seconds, neither moved.


Then he backed away so he could see into her liquid gaze and the warmth there undid him. He moved in and accepted her caress on his lips where an explosion of need almost made him take over with a real kiss. But he controlled his instincts and let their lips join in the softest of touches… the thanks she meant her gesture to be.

Everything inside him mourned having to back off… be the gentleman. Lord, it had been so long since he’d felt the need for romance rather than just sex clawing inside. The last time he remembered feeling this particular way was the night they first met.