“Out, back to our hotel, anywhere.”
I shake my head. “But the show’s not over yet.”
“Who cares about the show? The important part’s over anyway.”
I shake my head. No, I can’t leave. Not in front of everyone like this. Not when everyone will see and wonder and ask questions.
Christian lets out a low growl, then grabs me around the waist and hauls me into his lap. He tucks me in close and secures his arms around me. I melt into him, into his warmth, his strength, his steadiness. It’s better than my medication, better than exercise, better than any other distraction I’ve ever been able to find. He yanks my mind back into the present and keeps it there, safe and secure.
“Five things,” he mutters into my ear.
My gaze darts around us to see who’s watching—most of our table and a few others at the table next to us. Do they know? Can they tell? Or will they assume this is us being clingy?
Christian shoves his hand in between mine to give me something to grab on to. “Five things,” he growls again.
Okay, fine. I force myself to run through the list and whisper it to him. My lips brush against the shell of his ear and I hope that anyone watching will think I’m murmuring sweet nothings. I rest my forehead against his temple when I’m done.
“For the record, I don’t think we should stay.” His jaw is set and his eyes are hard and I think I fall in love with him a little more right then.
Just until the end of the show, I promise myself. It’s another twenty minutes max and then we can get out of here for some fresh air. There are two awards left, including Best Performer of the Year, which Noel is up for. I try to pay attention, I really do. I’m disappointed when the award goes to Noel’s arch-nemesis Bellamy Blais instead. But I can’t deny that I’m so fucking relieved when the whole thing comes to an end.
The house lights come up and Christian sets me on my feet. But before we can take even a single step, a mob descends upon us. I’m swept away by well-wishers whom I’m sure have the best of intentions. Except they’re driving me farther and farther away from Christian until I can’t see him over the heads of the people around me.
Keep it together, Sebastian. Smile and nod and don’t lose your shit.
A hand wraps around my arm and I spin around, expecting to see Christian’s beautiful face, but it’s only Noel. He must’ve realized what was happening at the end of the show there because he does not look happy.
“Should you be here right now?” he demands.
I shake my head and try to hide behind him.
“Right. Figured.”
Noel cranes his neck. “Can’t see him. I think he got sucked into a group of old-timers. Come on, let’s get you out of here.” He starts dragging me toward the side of the room.
“No, wait. Christian.”
Noel glares at me. “I’ll come back and tell him where you are. We need to get you out of here now.”
I don’t have any more fight in me. I let Noel lead me out of a side door and into an empty hallway. The noise from the party is still too loud though, so we hurry down the hall and around the corner, not stopping until the noise fades to a distant hum.
Ahead of us are stairs that descend to a set of doors and Noel carefully guides me down onto the top step, next to the handrail running down the middle. I lean against it, resting my head on the cool metal.
Noel’s saying something to me, but I can’t really hear him over the sound of blood rushing past my ears. There’s a vise clamped around my chest. My lungs have no room to expand. My heart has forgotten how to beat.
Noel takes a step away from me and my fingers are frozen into claws around his wrist. He crouches back down next to me. “I’ll be right back. Just stay still. Everything’s going to be okay.” He pries my hand off him and disappears.
God-fucking-damn it. We get mobbed so fast I completely lose sight of Sebastian and no matter how hard I try to move toward the last spot I saw him, I keep getting pushed back.