God, he’s really so damn cute like this. Hands braced on the floor, body angled toward me, dark eyes trained on mine. My gaze drops to his lips where there’s the lightest sheen of oil from the food he’s eaten. I want to lick it off and see if I can taste which taco it came from. I want to lick into his mouth to see if I can taste Sebastian himself underneath it all.
I tear my gaze away when I realize how close I am to kissing him. Whatever this thing is between us—the off-the-charts chemistry or weird emotional connection—it clearly hasn’t worked itself out of our systems after the shoot. I’m still irresistibly drawn to him and from the way Sebastian’s blinking the daze from his eyes, he must feel it too.
I pick up a taco and stuff it in my mouth, more for something to do than because I’m hungry. Sebastian does the same.
“So, uh, what do you think about my page?” Sebastian asks after we’ve each polished off another taco.
“It’s, uh…” So fucking addicting I can’t make myself cancel my subscription. “It’s good.”
“Yeah? What’s your favorite?” He picks up stray pieces of lettuce and nibbles on them, but I see him sneaking peeks at me out of the corner of his eye.
“My favorite? I, uh, like the solo videos.” I clear my throat and try to adjust myself without Sebastian noticing. “Especially when you’ve got something up your ass.”
Sebastian takes in a silent, open-mouthed breath, his chest expanding wide and fast. His Adam’s apple bobs as he peeks at me again. “Why do you like the solo ones?”
I think back to the latest solo video I watched. “It’s the way your eyes look,” I say, remembering Sebastian’s face on the screen. “You look surprised right before you come. Like you didn’t expect it to sneak up on you. Or like you’re overwhelmed by the sensations.”
Sebastian’s lips are parted and his tongue slips out to wet them. His breathing is light and shallow now and his eyes are going a little hazy again. “Oh, that’s, uh…”
Christ, I really want to kiss him. It wouldn’t be difficult. I’d just have to lean over, hold him by the back of the neck and press our lips together. I already know what he’s going to do, the way he’s going to melt under my touch, the way he’ll whimper into my mouth. He wants it too. It’s written all over his face, in the way he’s looking at me with all that molten heat in his eyes.
Sebastian looks away first this time, dropping his gaze and turning his body away from me. I have to stop myself from reaching for him, from dragging him back toward me.
“I, uh, I have the rough cut of the video done. If you wanted to watch it?” His back is toward me and he’s digging into the bag he brought with him.
It takes me a moment to figure out what video he’s talking about, that’s how far gone I am, how deep I’ve fallen into this thing. He turns back with his laptop in his hands and a questioning look on his face.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” I start clearing the coffee table to make room for his computer. My beer is empty and so is his. “Refill?” I ask, shaking his bottle.
“Yeah, thanks.”
I bring the remnants of our dinner to the kitchen and take a moment to gather myself. I don’t really understand what’s happening between us. It’s clearly not normal, not something I’ve ever experienced with anyone else I’ve worked with. I’m attracted to Sebastian and it’s clear he feels the same way about me. But I’ve been attracted to hundreds of guys in the past without ever getting this slightly out-of-control desperation for them. It’s as if my body’s gotten a taste for Sebastian and now it’s hooked. It wants more, it needs more, and it has no desire to listen to reason.
I clean up quickly and grab two fresh beers from the fridge. Sebastian’s got the video cued up when I get there. We sit on the couch again, laptop on the coffee table in front of us. There’s at most an inch of space between us, running from our shoulders down to our knees and the air feels so hot, it should be steam.
The video starts with Sebastian’s introduction. I’m sitting next to him on the bed, leaning back, arms braced behind me. I’m not looking at the camera. I’m looking at Sebastian. Seeing myself like that takes me aback. There’s heat in my eyes and a longing so potent that the image of it hits me in my gut as I sit on the couch next to him.
I want him. It’s written plain as day on my face and anyone with half a clue will be able to feel just how much.
We’re kissing, in the video, with plenty of tongue and moaning and heaving chests.
Beside me, Sebastian shifts, his knee bumps mine. I don’t move and neither does he.
On the screen, Sebastian’s got my dick out and he’s looking up at me like I’m a fucking god. My dick is hard and wet with Sebastian’s spit and when he chokes on it, I let out a groan that I swear reverberates through the computer and straight into my groin.
My eyes are glued to Sebastian’s face on the screen. My heart is ricocheting around in my chest. My dick is swelling in my joggers. Beside me, Sebastian shifts again like he’s having trouble getting comfortable. He clears his throat and his breathing picks up speed.
We’re both reacting to the video, remembering what it felt like to be there, in the middle of the blowjob. I can remember the wet heat of Sebastian’s mouth. The way his tongue felt as it wiggled along the underside of my cock. The pressure on the head when he tried to swallow it.
What does Sebastian remember? Can he feel my cock on his tongue? In his throat? Can he feel how wide his jaw had to stretch to fit me in?
The video cuts to the rimming and the sounds coming through the speakers are obscene. Sebastian’s moans and cries echo in my ears. The back of my head tingles with the memory of his hand as he pushes me deeper into his ass. I can taste the clean muskiness of his hole and that ever-present hint of vanilla on his skin. My fingers itch with the need to wrap themselves around his well-toned glutes.
I dare a glance at Sebastian now. His lips are parted, his eyes half-lidded. I’d be surprised if he can even see anything on the screen. The heel of his hand is pressing down on the bulge in his jeans and his hips are tilting like they’re trying to come up off the couch.
It’s so fucking hot, watching him watch us, seeing how he reacts to things we’ve already done, seeing him get turned on by the memory of us. I don’t care about the rest of the video anymore. It could show the fucking apocalypse for all I care. The real show is right here, beside me, on Sebastian’s body.