“Hey, sorry, you all right?”
It’s him. Chris fucking Preacher. He’s standing right in front of me, touching my arms. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating off him. I can smell the hint of sweat from his underarms.
His brows draw together in concern and then steadily inch upward as I stare at him like I’ve been enthralled. He slowly lifts his hands off me and takes a step back. I almost follow him so I can stay in his personal space and breathe the air that was just in his lungs. My cock is quickly filling up and my head is a little woozy.
Oh, this is definitely, one hundred percent, without a single shred of doubt Chris Preacher. Even if I’m not sure about the face, my body’s reaction to him is a dead giveaway. I don’t think I’ve ever responded to anyone the way I do with him.
“Seriously, you gonna be okay?”
I open my mouth to say… something, I don’t even know what, but the only thing that comes out is a squeak. For real. A squeak. I snap my jaw shut and nod instead. Short, jerky nods that make me look like a bobblehead, but at least the message gets across.
“Okay.” He smiles like he doesn’t believe me. I don’t blame him. I don’t believe me. “If you need anything, just flag down anyone wearing a t-shirt.”
He gestures to the Mars logo on his chest and OMG, that chest. It’s wide and thick and I can still feel how solid it was against my face. Solid with a thin layer of padding that would make it the perfect pillow to rest my head on. The shirt is tight enough that I can see his nipples through the black fabric, and suddenly my mouth is salivating for a taste of those nipples.
“Okay!” he says, a little louder. He claps his hands together and the sound jolts me out of my self-inflicted hypnosis. “You take care.”
He backs away a few steps before turning and hightailing it out of there. I slump against the wall again, banging my head lightly against it. I’ve just fanboyed the fuck out and made a complete fool of myself in front of my teenage idol. Good job, Sebastian.
I have to join Mars now. There's no question about it. I don’t even need to visit any of the other gyms on my list. I can’t pass up the opportunity to see all-time biggest celebrity crush again. I might have humiliated myself, and who knows, I’ll probably squeak again the next time I see him, but at least I’ll be in the same space as him. I might use the same equipment as him. Maybe even the same towel… too far?
Beau greets me when I finally make it up to the front desk. “So, any questions?”
“Nope, no, no questions. I’m sold.”
“Great.” Beau sets an iPad on the counter for me. “Fill this out. I’ll need your credit card information. And then you’ll be all set.”
My hands aren’t completely steady as I try to type on the iPad. That literal run-in has my body feeling all tingly and hyper-aware. I swipe my finger across the screen in a sad attempt at my signature, then hand the thing back to Beau.
“Oh, I forgot to mention that you get one free personal training session for signing up with us. Do you want to schedule that now?” Beau asks. He’s looking at me expectantly as my brain rockets back to that alcove.
Chris Preacher is a personal trainer, right? That’s what he was doing with the guy on the massage table, the cooldown thing that Beau mentioned. Can I request a session with him? Do I dare?
I don’t know. That’s like, a lot. What if I make a fool of myself again? What if he thinks I’m an idiot? Wouldn’t it be better if he has no idea who I am rather than be known as that bonkers fan who won’t leave him alone?
But I could be the guy lying on the massage table. I could have Chris Preacher’s hands not just on my arms again, but all over me. I could be close enough to smell him again. The really foolish thing would be to walk away from an opportunity like that, right?
“Uh, yeah. Can I get a session with that guy we saw back there?” I point over my shoulder with my thumb and Beau follows my gesture.
He cocks his head to the side and narrows his eyes, then they widen with understanding. He chuckles with a knowing smile and a slow nod. “Christian? You’ve got a good eye. He’s really popular with our members. His schedule is usually pretty full, but let me take a look and see if we can make something happen.”
I wring my hands together as Beau turns to a computer and clicks on a few things. “You free on Monday at one-thirty?”
Wait, what? Did he say Monday? That soon? Just like that? My palms tingle in anticipation. It doesn’t matter if I have anything planned for that time—I can reschedule. “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Cool.” Beau types my name into the computer and a second later I get a text message confirmation.
Mars Fitness: Personal training session with Christian Braga on Monday at 1:30pm. Reply with Y to confirm.
I hit that Y so hard I almost knocked the damn phone right out of my hand.
“You’re all set,” Beau says. “We’ll see you on Monday.”
I step out of Mars feeling like I’ve just woken up from a dream. That didn’t really just happen, did it? I pull out my phone to check the confirmation text again. It’s right there, nestled in a bright green bubble. In a few days, I’m going to have Chris Preacher—no, Christian—all to myself. Holy fucking shit.