Page 55 of Sebastian

“You look amazing.” I draw him to me.

He winds his arms underneath my suit jacket and around my waist, and there’s something so intimate about that that my heart swells until it feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest.

“You look pretty good too.”

“Only pretty good?”

“I mean, I prefer you naked, but this will do.”

I growl and catch his lips in a kiss. He melts into me and I’m sorely tempted to skip the whole show and stay in. If only Sebastian wasn’t up for an award.

The car we reserved is waiting for us when we get down to the lobby. I wave the driver away and open the door for Sebastian. He smiles up at me through his lashes and I have to actively tamp down my lust. I climb in after him and drag him across the seat so he’s sitting plastered to my side. That’s as far as I’m willing to let him go tonight.

The drive is short and before I know it, we’re thrown into the organized chaos of a red carpet. It’s been ages since I’ve been to one of these things and I immediately remember why I don’t miss it one bit.

It’s loud as photographers shout for our attention and interviewers yell questions in our faces. Event organizers shove us along what feels like a meat processing line. I never know where to look or who is trying to talk to me. The massive floodlights have me sweating under my collar already. Maybe the guys who opt out of clothing have the right idea.

“You okay?” Sebastian asks as we pause between two pre-marked spots where we’re waiting to pose in front of a bank of photographers.

I take a deep breath and tug Sebastian closer. “Yeah, it’s just been a while.”

“You’re doing great. All you have to do is relax and smile.” He reaches up to adjust my tie and pick off a piece of lint.

If Sebastian is sweating under these lights, I can’t tell. In fact, he doesn’t seem nervous or uncomfortable at all. He looks like he was born to walk the red carpet, soak up the attention, and shine it back in a dazzling display of brilliance and charm. Sebastian is made for this world. He thrives in it.

Me? If I had any doubts coming into this evening, the last ten minutes have confirmed that this type of mayhem isn’t the life for me anymore.

“Sebastian Silver!”

“Chris Preacher!”

Our names barely register in my mind before Sebastian slips his hand into mine and pulls me into the spotlight. When we hit our mark, I wrap my arm around Sebastian’s waist and he leans back against me. I can smell the scent of our hotel soap mixed with Sebastian’s signature vanilla.

The fans and the media have all speculated on our official relationship status and the pictures Sebastian’s posted of us have done nothing to dissuade them. In my mind—in my heart—I know we’re more than mere colleagues or even friends. We’re something to each other, even if we haven’t defined what that is.

Standing here in front of all the cameras, though, seeing how on Sebastian is, I’m struck by a moment of uncertainty. What if we’re letting all this attention muddle what’s really going on between us? Yeah, sure, we have explosive sex. And yeah, all of our “dates” have been a lot of fun. We can talk about anything and we can sit with each other in silence. But everything we’ve done so far has been in front of a camera, carefully documented for public consumption… for public validation.

I’m probably overthinking things and letting the big flashing lights get to me. And yet, as we smile for the photographers and answer questions from interviewers, I can’t get that thought out of my head. What if we’ve convinced ourselves this is real, but it isn’t? What if this relationship can only exist in the public eye?

“Chris, Sebastian—let’s put the rumors to rest once and for all. Are you two an item?” An interviewer sticks a microphone in Sebastian’s face. This is the third time someone’s asked us this question as we work our way down the line.

Sebastian’s been doing all the talking on the red carpet and I’m in no hurry to replace him. He laughs and turns to me. He puts his hand on my chest and I stare down into his eyes.

“We’re just really good friends,” he says into the microphone, knowing full well he’s not putting any rumors to rest with that answer.

“Friends with explosive chemistry! Tell me, are we going to get a sequel to that smoking-hot video of you guys?”

Sebastian shrugs and smiles mischievously. “You’ll have to wait and see!”

The interviewer turns to me. “Chris, what’s it like getting back in the game? Especially with Sebastian?”

I know what I’m supposed to say. It’s what everyone expects of me. Even then, I glance at Sebastian and let my gaze linger for a moment, taking in how his eyes are shining, how he’s radiating with energy. Then I turn back to the interviewer who has obviously watched every second of that subtle interaction.

“It’s great,” I say and then smile like I’ve got a secret that I’m not going to tell. Guess I’m not above fueling the rumors myself, but that’s the game, right? Drum up interest in whatever way we can.

A beat passes before the interviewer realizes that’s all they’re getting from me. “Short and to the point. I like it! Well, it’s safe to say that fans cannot get enough of the two of you, so we hope we’ll be getting more soon. Enjoy the evening!”

I keep my hand on Sebastian’s lower back as we move on. More questions about our relationship. More questions about whether there will be another video. More questions about what it’s like being back, or whether I’ve got more projects in the works. By the time we reach the end of the red carpet and get ushered into the ballroom, I’m exhausted and ready to get out of here.