Page 17 of Sebastian

When I compare my career to what I know about Sebastian’s, the difference is stark. Mine was about the extracurriculars, the parties, the media, being seen at the right places, with the right people. What Sebastian’s doing feels fully grounded in the… whatever you want to call it, the content, the business, the art. He’s serious about this, it isn’t a game to him. He’s made his fans a promise about what they’re going to get from him and he’s determined to deliver. That mindset comes through in his videos. It’s what makes him so relatable, why it feels like you’re sitting in the room with him.

Would I be able to do that? That’s the question that’s been nagging me since Sebastian walked into the gym with his damned business card. If I strip away all the fancy wrapping, can I do what’s at the core of this industry? Can I create erotic content that entertains people, makes them feel good about themselves, makes them happy?

I don’t know. But I want to find out.

Maybe I haven’t let go of my past as completely as I thought I had. Maybe there’s some part of me that wants to give it another shot, one last go, to see what I can do in this new world of content creators shooting porn in their bedrooms. To see if I have what it takes. Sebastian and his friends seem to think I do.

Maybe I owe it to myself to try.



Rhys and Hayden are talking about something to do with some movie. I’m not listening to them. I’m bouncing in my chair, eyes glued to the door for Noel to appear any second now. Any second…

I’ve been vibrating with excitement ever since my dinner with Christian, ever since he asked me to send him more information about a potential collab. I was barely able to sleep last night. I might have gotten to the brunch restaurant twenty minutes early.

I was this close to texting everyone last night, but I made myself wait. I wanted to see the reaction on their faces in person. And now Noel, jerk, is late.

“What do you think?”


“Huh?” I drag my eyes from the door to find both Rhys and Hayden watching me with curiosity. “Sorry, what was that?”

“You okay?” Hayden asks.

“You seem really distracted.”

“Oh, yeah, no, everything’s fine. Do you know where Noel is?” I check the time on my phone. Again. “He’s ten minutes late already.”

“That’s pretty normal for him,” Hayden says.

“He’s probably not going to show for another ten,” Rhys adds.

Yeah, that’s not going to work for me. I’ve waited literally hours. I don’t know if I can wait another minute. “I need him here. Now.”

“Is something wrong?” Hayden furrows his brow in concern.

“No, no, nothing’s wrong. I just have some big news I want to share.”

Rhys lights up. “Ooo, what is it?”

“I wanted to wait until Noel gets here so I can tell you all together!”

“Do you want to call him?” Hayden suggests.

I doubt Noel would even pick up if I did.

“Oh! He’s here! He’s here!” Rhys claps his hands lightly and waves Noel over.

“Finally! What took you so long?” I ask as Noel drops into the last empty chair around our table.

“Am I late?” Noel’s still got his sunglasses on and he pushes his fingers under them to rub his eyes.

“Yes, you are. Sebastian has some news he wants to tell us.” Rhys is sitting at attention, eyes trained on me.

“Okay, so, you’re never going to guess what happened.”