“Donnie, bro, that was a killer class.” A big burly guy comes up for a manly shoulder hug and a slap on the back.
I try to hide my grimace as my wet shoulder makes contact with his. “Thanks, bro.”
“You used a new song in there, right?” Another guy asks, face flushed so red I wonder if I should be concerned.
“The interval set? Yeah, that’s a new one. Good catch.”
“Hey, Donnie, I’m looking to buy new cycling shoes. Have any you’d recommend?”
I get caught up in a discussion about shoes with the stiffest soles, and by the time the guy is satisfied, the room has cleared out. I grab my phone, shut down the sound system, and go to the staff locker room for a shower.
Beau and Gavin are there when I round the row of lockers. They’re standing flush against each other, Gavin’s arms around Beau’s neck and Beau’s arms around Gavin’s hips. Their heads are bent in close as they whisper into the tiny space they’ve created between them.
It’s not unusual to find them intimate like this around the gym. Still, my heart aches a little bit every time I see them.
“Get a room, girls,” I joke.
They pull apart, though Beau’s hand lingers at the small of Gavin’s back.
“Hey, is what’s his name still staying with you?” Beau asks.
My pulse spikes at the mention of Connor and I take a moment to open my locker and toss my shoes inside. “Connor? Yeah, he is. Why?”
“Just checking to see how things are going,” Beau says.
He sounds nonchalant, but I know he’s checking up on me. He and Gavin were incredibly supportive when Roger passed. They let me take a leave of absence from the gym, stopped in to make sure I ate and showered, and when the time was right, they dragged me back to work. I wouldn’t have made it through those first few months without them.
Which makes the way I treated Beau the other day inexcusable. But also… sex with Connor yesterday had been… really fucking good. It wasn’t just the mind-blowing orgasms, it was how fun it was, how comfortable we were in the afterglow. We went downstairs and Connor sorted through some of his bags while I made dinner. Then we ate, washed up, and watched a movie all curled up on the couch. It was sweet, cozy, relaxing. It felt like something we’ve done a dozen times, rather than only a handful.
At bedtime, we stood outside Connor’s room and kissed each other goodnight. A gentle, tender kiss that left me smiling all the way to bed. I fell asleep with that smile on my lips. I woke up with it too.
It was only when I went into the walk-in closet this morning to get dressed that I had a sudden bout of doubt. Seeing Roger’s clothes, feeling the weight of my wedding ring, guilt trickled in. I shouldn’t sleep with Connor while I’m still wearing my ring, right? That’s the least I can do. And yet, I can’t take it off. Not quite yet.
“Things are good,” I say, trying to sound as nonchalant as Beau does. “He’s probably going to stay with me for a while.” I brought it up over dinner last night and Connor agreed, on the condition that he gets to pay me rent. I don’t need the rental income, but I understand why it’s important to him.
Beau and Gavin exchange a look and they aren’t at all subtle about it.
“Really?” Gavin slides onto the bench next to me. “How long is a while?”
“I dunno.” I shrug. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips. “A while.”
Gavin shoots a glance at Beau, then looks back at me. “You fucked him, didn’t you?”
My cheeks heat and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
“Shut up!” Gavin shoves me hard enough that I almost topple over. “You did!”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Beau’s got his arms crossed over his chest, making him look huge. He leans against the locker next to mine and the two of them effectively box me in.
“Why wouldn’t it be a good idea?” Gavin asks for me. “Do you know how long he’s been celibate?”
I roll my eyes. “It hasn’t been that long.” Except it has. I haven’t felt the need to get it on with anyone until Connor.
“The guy just broke up with his ex, didn’t he? And the ex came looking for him?” Beau cocks an eyebrow at me and I can see why he’s concerned.
“It’s over between them,” I assure him.