Page 13 of Ripped

“We’re banning Miles.”

“What? Why? Donnie, tell me what happened!”

I ignore him to dig through my bag for my reading glasses. A member comes out from the back of the gym at the same time and Sawyer immediately switches modes.

“Hey! Did you have a good workout? Awesome! Enjoy the rest of your day!”

When he turns back to me, I’ve found my glasses and the persona non grata list. “How does this thing work? How do I add someone to it?”

“You can’t. Only Beau or Gavin can.”

“Who the fuck came up with that idea?”

“They did? I think it’s so we can’t just add people we don’t like.”

I nearly throw the mouse across the lobby. “Fuck.” I tear my glasses off my face to rub my eyes and pace away from the computer. My adrenaline is spiking, my body is vibrating, and I know this is an overreaction. I force myself to take deep, slow breaths, but they’re not helping.

“Bro, what’s going on? You’re freaking me out.”

Beau pops up out of nowhere right then. “Hey, guys, morning.”

I ambush him. “I need you to add someone to the persona non grata list.” I tug Beau toward the computer and he stares at me like I’ve been possessed.


I slap my glasses back onto my face and point to the screen. “Here. I need to add someone new. How do I do that?”

Beau looks to Sawyer who shrugs. “Beats me, man. He won’t tell me anything.”

“Who do you want to add?” Beau asks me, a scowl on his face.

“His name is Miles.” I don’t know his last name. I don’t know what he looks like. I don’t know anything about the guy except that he’s a fucking douchebag. But Sawyer apparently does. “You know him, right?”

Sawyer takes a step back from me. “Uh, sorta. I’ve met him before, if that’s what you mean. But I don’t like, know know him.”

“That’s good enough. What does he look like?”

Sawyer sends Beau a helpless look and Beau steps in between us.

“Donnie, hey.” He puts both hands on my arms and grips so tight I’d probably bruise if I wasn’t still wearing my winter coat. “Calm down. Breathe.”

I curl my hands into fists by my side and fucking breathe. It works this time. Kind of. Enough for the red tinge to fade out of my vision.

“Start from the beginning. Who is this guy and why do we need to ban him from the premises.”

“He’s Connor’s boyfriend.”

“And who’s Connor?”

“He’s a member.”

Beau cocks his head to the side. “You’re not making a whole lot of sense, Donnie.”

“Connor and Miles are both members,” Sawyer jumps in. “Connor’s more regular. He goes to Donnie’s spin classes. I haven’t seen Miles here in months. Connor comes in last night, right before closing, and he just collapses. Right there. Just boom, on the floor. And he’s sobbing, like hysterical crying, tears and snot everywhere. Donnie and I brought him to the break room and then…” He looks at me and gestures vaguely.

I huff because this next part is going to sound bad. “He needed a place to stay, so I let him come home with me last night.”

“You what?” Beau nearly shouts. Across the lobby, the juice bar’s barista and the gym members are all staring at us, watching the commotion. Beau takes my arm and pushes me toward the break room. “Explain.”