Page 35 of Taken

At the same time, Brenda let the paddle fly. It made contact with Jane’s ass with a resounding thwack. The force of the blow pushed her toward Robert. He took a step back, lowering the intensity level to a steady hum. As Brenda struck again, he flipped the dial once more to high.

Jane squealed and jerked, her cries piercing the air. They settled into a kind of rhythm, each hard blow of the wooden paddle accompanied by a jump in the current until Jane was a quaking, sobbing mess.

Robert experienced a sudden, irrational desire to lift her into his arms and kiss away her tears. What the hell was wrong with him? Was he getting soft? Maybe Brenda was right—maybe it was time to think about getting rid of this one.

When they finally let her down, Jane rolled to her stomach, her hands going protectively to cover her poor bottom, which Brenda had blistered to a dark, angry red. She would be black and blue for days.

Bending down, Brenda yanked the shock probes from the girl’s body and dropped them into the shopping bag for later cleaning. She looked at Robert, her face all smiles now, her nipples fully erect. She drew her tongue sensually over her lower lip. “Get her back in her cage and meet me on the bear rug in the den. It’ll be romantic.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Robert replied enthusiastically, his cock throbbing with anticipation. Nevertheless, he was extra gentle with Jane as he settled her back into her cage. “I’ll bring you a nice treat later,” he murmured, his back to the camera just in case. After all, the poor kid had earned it.


Jane curled in on herself in her cage, whimpering softly. Thank god she was finally alone. Her ass was on fire, the skin red-hot to the touch. Gingerly, she examined her still-throbbing sex with her fingers. While the electric shocks had been terrifying and painful, there didn’t appear to be any lasting damage.

After a while, she rallied, refusing to surrender to the gray fog of depression and lethargy that beckoned more insistently with each passing day. “You’re okay,” she whispered to herself. “You’re safe in your cage. You’re alive. Where there’s life, there’s still hope.”

She sighed, another tear rolling down her cheek. How much more of this could she take before she completely lost her mind?

And what happened when they tired of her?

Jane’s mind snapped shut at that forbidden thought. She forced herself to think of something else.

How had these two found each other? Was there some kind of dating site for twisted, criminally insane sex perverts? Brenda was clearly the boss in their relationship. When she told Robert to jump, he just grinned stupidly and asked how high.

Still, he’d been almost tender with her the day before, at least after the horrific rape scene. In spite of her loathing of him, she’d taken comfort in his warm, strong arms as they’d swayed gently in the hammock under the shade of the tall, beautiful oak trees. She’d actually slept—a deep, dreamless sleep for a change, instead of the fitful dozing and jerking awake that passed for rest in her cage.

They hadn’t given her breakfast today, but he’d promised her a treat. Her stomach gurgled with hungry anticipation of what it might be. And he’d been extra gentle with her as he’d laid her into the cage and then clicked the combo lock closed.


Jane didn’t remember hearing that distinctive click. Nor did he do his usual spin of the dial afterward.

“Oh, my god,” she whispered, barely daring to hope.

Holding her breath, Jane reached tentative fingers through the bars of her cage. If she twisted her hand just so, she could touch the lock. She froze for a moment—what if they were watching her on the closed-circuit camera?

But no—Brenda had told Robert to meet her in the den. While cleaning, Jane didn’t remember seeing a TV in there from which they might be watching the camera feed, it was too close to the kitchen for her to dare try to escape the house.

Still, she could at least explore her immediate surroundings while they were up there rutting like dogs.

Heart in her throat, Jane tugged at the lock. It pulled downward, opening!

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Jane repeated breathlessly, her heart thundering in her chest.

What to do? Did she dare? What if they came down?

She glanced around the space. She needed a weapon. She stared up at the whips and paddles hanging ominously along the walls. What she needed was a gun—not that she knew how to use one. Or a knife. Even armed, did she stand a chance against those two?

At the very least, she needed to scope out her environment. This wasn’t the only room down here. Maybe there was a way out from the basement. Where was she, anyway? Was their house in one of the trendier neighborhoods? Or out in the country somewhere? When they had her up to clean, all she could see out the windows was their own vast, rolling lawns and gardens.