Page 32 of Taken

All traces of her recent joy had vanished. The little cunt was visibly frightened now, but that just made his dick harder. This was going to be fun. He turned on his heel and began to walk away. Looking back, he said, “Close your eyes. Keep them closed. I don’t want you anticipating anything. Just relax and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. You’re all alone in your big, beautiful backyard.”

He stepped away, moving behind a large tree to make the game more realistic. Reaching into his shorts, he adjusted his erect cock so it lay more comfortably, pointing upward toward his hip.

He closed his eyes, visualizing some of his favorite porn videos as he readied himself for his role. When a few minutes had gone by, he stepped out very quietly from the tree and tiptoed back toward the hammock.

Good girl. Her eyes were closed, though her hands, he noticed, were clenched into fists at her sides. He moved stealthily, the scenario blossoming in his mind. This was the haughty bitch of the house who liked to lord it over the gardeners and other laborers who worked for her. She was arrogant and dismissive, treating them all like they were dirt on the bottom of her Jimmy Choo’s.

Now her rich husband, who was thirty years her senior and whom she only loved for his money, was out of town. Once again, she’d treated the workers like shit, refusing to let them take a water break after working for hours in the broiling sun.

Robert and his fellow workers all agreed this bitch needed taking down a peg or three, and Robert was naturally the one they’d selected to do the deed. “There she is,” he said as he approached. “The rich bitch of the mansion, lying around like a queen while we bust our asses.”

Jane’s eyes flew open, confusion moving over her face as she furrowed her brows.

“Don’t act so shocked. Yes, I called you a bitch. Just because your husband bought himself a trophy wife doesn’t mean you aren’t still a piece of trash. A dirty little piece of trash who desperately needs to be taught a lesson.”

Jane was trying to scoot to the edge of the hammock, but it hugged her in such a way she couldn’t move very much from the middle. Robert reached for her throat and wrapped his fingers around it, giving it a satisfying squeeze.

She gasped, her hands coming up reflexively as she tried in vain to pry his grip loose. He squeezed harder, enjoying the sight of her reddening face and bugging eyes as he choked her. “I could kill you, boss lady,” he snarled. “I might just do it, unless you do what I say. I’m going to fuck you with my big, hard dick, and afterward you’re going to get on your knees and lick my ass in thanks.” He squeezed harder. “You going to do what I say?”

“Yes,” Jane struggled to reply, panic in her eyes.

“No,” Robert snapped, annoyed. He loosened his grip to let her grab a breath. “Remember, I told you to fight. Don’t give in like some wimp. I’m just a lowly laborer, while you’re the mistress of this house. Act like it.”

She swallowed hard, a flicker of rage darkening her expression for a split second. Good—she was pissed off. That would make it all the more authentic. “How dare you,” she managed, sounding almost convincing. “Get away from me, you bastard. I’ll tell my husband.”

Robert grinned. “There you go. Get into it. Really give it to me.” He dropped his hand and took a step back.

“If you touch me again,” Jane continued, finally getting into the spirit, “I’ll have you arrested for trespass and assault. You’re a big, hairy disgusting pig. I wouldn’t let you fuck my dog. You make me sick.”

Robert frowned. She was going a little too far. But then, she was only acting, too. So it was all good. “You little cunt,” he growled, reaching again for her throat. “It’s about time you had a real man teach you how to behave.”

Keeping one hand on her throat, he grabbed a handful of her top and yanked down hard. He easily ripped the fabric, exposing her pretty little titties. As she cried out, he lifted her by the throat and hauled her out of the hammock. He tossed her down to the grass and fell upon her with a growl. Already shirtless, he tugged at his shorts with one hand while again reaching for her throat with the other.

As she screamed and struggled beneath him, he jerked her shorts and panties down her legs and ripped them away, tossing them aside. He forced her legs apart with his thigh. As he pushed his big cock against her slit, she squealed and tried to pummel him with her little fists.