And there’s still Micah to consider in this stupidly complicated mess that I’ve somehow engineered for myself. I’m so bloody confused. Is that what they want too? Could I even think about sharing? It seems like an alien concept.

“Mummy! Look!”

On the bouncy castle, Arianna is jumping like a maniac, fighting to get the highest amongst the other kids. I wave and blow her a kiss, loving the smile on her face.

“Wow, Ari! Be careful,” I call back.

Wading through the crowd of people, everyone greets me and offers bright smiles, but I long to escape the onslaught of attention. My stomach has been somersaulting all morning, cramping up so hard, I feel sick.

“Willow,” Ryder shouts. “Over here.”

He’s yelling from the huge gazebo that sits off to one side of Lola’s nearly pruned garden. Beckoning me over with a crooked finger, he plants a big wet kiss against my cheek before offering me a beer.

“You look frazzled.”

“Is it that obvious?” I sigh.

“Not at all, but I know your frazzled face by now.”

Collapsing into a rattan sofa, I press the cold beer to my forehead. “This is all a bit crazy. I’ve never seen the whole town together in one place before.”

He takes a swig of his drink. “Yeah, it can get a bit loud. Lola likes big parties. We usually have several throughout the year. She loves to play host to everyone.”

At the mention of her name, white-hot anger pools inside of my gut. I can’t stop myself from searching for her silvery hair in the crowd. She’s standing next to Albie as he grills a pile of burgers and hot dogs.

Avoiding her has been difficult. I don’t know how to confront her about Katie. Frankly, I’m not sure I’m ready for what she has to say. I doubt it’s going to be a happy story, and my current state of mind is fragile at best.

“Ethan is coming back up later in a couple of weeks.” Ryder grins as he always does when discussing his partner. “You’ll finally get to meet him.”

I force a smile. “I can’t wait.”

“He’s been busy working on this big investigation at work. I miss him so much when he isn’t here, but I can’t imagine leaving Briar Valley to live with him.”

“You’ll figure it out.” I poke him in the ribs. “You never know, maybe he’ll move up here. I’m sure we’d find a use for his detective skills.”

Ryder snorts. “Yeah, right.”

“I’m serious!”

“He could figure out who keeps taking all the eggs from the chicken coop.”

“It’s a legitimate concern. Killian has sworn lethal vengeance on the infamous egg stealer. Ethan could help avoid a very messy, public execution.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing Killian take on Ethan. Hot damn.” Ryder snickers at my shocked look. “Oh, shut it. Even though he’s like family, I can appreciate a good view.”

“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Speaking of the asshole himself, did I see you sneaking out of their cabin the other morning?”

I avert my eyes. “Erm, don’t think so.”

Ryder studies me closely. “You have a terrible poker face.”

“I do not.”

“And you’re a terrible liar too.”

“Jesus, Ry. Anything else?”