“You’re looking a bit better, babe. Finally got bored of Doc?”
Willow lets out a deep, rasping laugh. “More like I finally convinced him to let me out of bed. I’m perfectly fine.”
“Fine?” I repeat incredulously. “Again with this?”
Zach sighs. “That’s our cue to leave. Catcha later, Willow.”
“Zach, she is not f—”
“Move,” he cuts me off.
He drags me back towards our discarded supplies. I’d very much like to punch him in the fucking face. There is nothing fine about the mess that Willow showed up in. If she thinks it’s okay to be in pain, we’re gonna have a serious problem.
Willow disappears back into Lola’s cabin as we set off, lugging the heavy wood towards the eastern stretch of the valley where our newest construction site awaits. As soon as she vanishes from sight, Zach bursts out laughing.
“You don’t know how to do this, do you?”
“Do what?” I growl at him.
“Be charming.”
“What the fuck are you going on about?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at her.” His smile is oh-so-fucking smug. “You like her.”
“What are we, six years old?”
“Just admit it. She’s cute, right?”
If he weren’t my cousin, his body would be thrown off the mountain and shattered to pieces already. No one would find him out here. My life would be so much more peaceful.
“You better get your scrawny ass up to that cabin before I rearrange your face for that woman to see. You can try and be charming then.”
Zach glances at the cabin up ahead. “Reckon I could pull it off.”
“You really are a brainless moron. How are we related?”
“Geez, thanks. You’re so sweet, cuz.”
“Shut the hell up and move or Micah won’t have a twin anymore.”
Sitting in one of the wicker armchairs that rest on Lola’s wraparound porch, I watch the blazing sun sink on the horizon in a riot of fire-tinged colour. The sunsets here are so beautiful, illuminating the snow-capped mountain peaks and ridges.
It’s the most incredible panoramic view, offering untouched beauty in every direction. Sheer rock faces, towering pine trees and the sharp, inclining slopes of Mount Helena surround the valley on all sides.
“Willow? You okay?”
Lola pokes her head out of the front door to catch my attention. She’s dressed in her usual floral dress, another ingredient-speckled apron tied into place.
“I’m good. Is Arianna still asleep?”
“Passed out like a light,” she confirms. “I must’ve tuckered her out with all that baking earlier on. Are you hungry?”