Her fingers ghost over my gold wedding band. “Who is he? Should I be worried?”
“It doesn’t matter. He’s in the past now.”
“Can I ask why you had to leave?”
I take a breath for courage. “We couldn’t stay in Mexico. The divorce got… uh, complicated. We decided to fly home to England instead. I knew that I had to find you.”
Eyes sparkling with tears, Lola draws me in close. My face is buried in the crook of her wrinkled neck. She smells like freshly baked cookies with a floral burst of wildflowers. I’ve never even met her before, but she still smells like home.
Sobs tear at my chest, clawing up my throat in clinging tendrils, until I’m falling apart in her arms. I’ve always been strong for Arianna’s sake, but with her strength propping me up, I can finally let go.
The cries pour from my mouth with such frenzied desperation, I don’t know how I’ll ever stop. I’ve never done this before, but it feels oddly cathartic to let myself be weak.
I cry for all that we’ve lost. The suffering and pain inflicted on my precious daughter. The terror that drove us thousands of miles from the only home we’ve ever known, even an evil one, searching for a better life.
We have nothing left.
Nothing but our lives.
“Whatever you’re running from won’t find you here,” Lola comforts as she strokes my long, black hair. “You have my word.”
“I’m so sorry,” I hiccup through sobs. “I shouldn’t have brought this to your door. I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Nonsense. I’m your grandmother, and this is your home now.”
Her easy acceptance only adds to my uncontrollable tears. I’ve never been embraced with such motiveless, unconditional love before. Not even from my father. I have no idea how to handle it.
“I want you to tell me the truth,” she implores, holding me at arm’s length. “Were you really in a car accident? Is something else going on here?”
Feeling like the worst person in the world, I manage a stiff nod. “Nothing else is going on.”
Lola grasps my cheeks and makes me look her right in the eye. She stares at me with such determination, I get myself under control and straighten, needing to prove to her that I’m stronger than I look.
“I don’t know what’s happened to make you so afraid, but you can tell me when you’re ready.” Her thumbs wipe my tears aside. “Until then, let me take care of you.”
“I don’t know…”
“Please, Willow. All I want is to look after my family.”
“Maybe we should go.”
“You’re not going anywhere but the hospital.”
“No!” I shout, startling her with the fire in my voice. “Please, no hospitals. I can’t risk it. He could be searching for us. It isn’t safe.”
“Searching for you?” she repeats.
I bite my lip. “He’s… very powerful.”
Lola contemplates my words. When she sighs in defeat, I know I’ve won the battle. For now. Something tells me this isn’t the last time we’ll have this fight. I hate lying to her, but I have no choice.
“No hospitals,” she reluctantly agrees. “You’re going to stay here and rest. Let yourself get better. That’s the deal.”
I submit with a nod. “We’ll stay.”
“Good. Come on, I’ll show you to the guest room. I’ve asked Rachel and Miranda to sort some more clothes out. Their children are around Arianna’s age.”
Letting her help me stand back up, I hold her hand as we leave the living room. The others have all made themselves scarce.