Standing next to me with his hands on his hips, Killian surveys the damage. “We’ve had worse storms. This isn’t too bad.”

“How could it be worse than this?”

He huffs. “Well, at least they’re still standing.”

“I never took you for a glass half-full kind of person.”

To my amazement, he flashes me a toothy smile.

“People can surprise you.”

His grin disappears as quickly as it arrived, leaving me to wonder if I hallucinated the whole thing. Killian was the first one at the front door this morning, demanding to see if we were okay and inviting me to help him search around town.

I hid from the storm with Lola and Arianna in the cabin. Albie and Ryder joined us on the second day, braving the howling winds. We passed the time playing card games in front of the fire, drinking Lola’s homemade sloe gin and trading stories.

“Speaking of surprises, did you know that Lola and Albie are a couple?”

“No, they’re not,” Killian blusters.

“I’m not joking. Ryder told me last night. He caught them kissing a couple of months ago. Apparently, they’re been dating for a while.”

He full-body shudders. “That is the most disgusting thought ever.”

Ryder is full of charming one-liners and a crazy amount of gossip. His light-hearted conversation has kept me going for these past few days. He’s got the beadiest eyes in the whole town and seems to know everyone’s business.

“How’s Micah?” I dare to ask.

His jaw clenches into an unyielding line. “Fine.”

“No injuries?”

“Nope. The idiot had a close call.”

“That’s for sure.”

Grabbing a huge fallen tree branch, Killian snaps it in half in one easy move. I stare as he flexes his trunk-like arms. When he catches me looking at him, I quickly look away.

“You just gonna stand there gawping?”

“I’m not gawping,” I defend.

“Sure you’re not.”

He really is infuriatingly hot and cold. This whole untouchable grump act is beginning to wear thin. I’ve seen the gentle giant that lives within him, in glimpses at least. He doesn’t need to pretend for my sake.

“Go knock on the Jacobson’s door, make sure they’re all okay. I’ll finish up here.”

I take advantage of the excuse to escape. He’s been in a confusing mood all morning, sulking and sparing me odd looks. I’m too scared to ask if Micah told him about what happened between us, and downright terrified to think about Zach either.

Denial is healthy, right?

Who the hell am I kidding. This is a mess. I’ve fooled around with both twins, and I have no idea what I was thinking. After Zach slipped out to return to his cabin, all I could think about was the burning path of his lips kissing my body.

Traipsing up the hill, I catch sight of the newest addition to the town. It’s a generous cabin made from golden shades of tan-coloured wood, the perfect size for a growing family. The newly built swing set in the garden is half-collapsed from the winds.

Stuffing my shyness down, I head up the porch steps and knock on the front door. There’s a sound of a crying infant inside and it’s several seconds before the door swings open, revealing a short, haggard woman.

“Hello?” she says in a thick accent.