“What? How do you know she said that?”

“We talk. She’s family to me too, you know.”

“I don’t like you all gossiping behind my back.”

Reluctantly taking his hand, I let him help me down from the truck. Killian peers around, assessing for danger, before throwing an arm around my shoulders. I freeze for a second, forcing myself to breathe and relax.

His familiar musky scent clings to his shirt. He smells so good, like raw bonfire embers and the freshness of pine trees blended into an intoxicating fragrance. I feel tiny next to his staggering height, and I’m not exactly small.

“We weren’t gossiping,” he adds.

“What else would you call it, then?”

He searches my face and frowns like usual. “She cares about you. I’m not going to get all emotional and shit. All I know is that we want you to be safe.”

A strand of tangled blonde hair falls across his naturally bronzed face. With the warmth of his body heat pouring into me, I reach up to swipe it aside. Killian inhales sharply, his eyes dropping to my lips for a split second.


“Why not?” he growls back.

“I’m a stranger. You said that yourself.”

He’s still staring at my mouth, his eyes burning with heat.

“You’re not a stranger,” he almost purrs.

Highbridge fades around us, disappearing into insignificance. All I can feel is the sensual weight of his eyes on me, demanding something I don’t know how to give. Even his touch is electric, causing bolts of excitement to race up my spine.

“I thought I had to protect Briar Valley from you,” Killian murmurs, wetting his bottom lip with his tongue. “But I forgot to protect myself.”

Warmth unfurls in my lower belly, curling around my nerve endings and magnetising me closer to him. All I want is to be engulfed in his embrace, protected from every last threat the world has to offer.

“Why do you need to protect yourself?” I ask softly.

His hand lifts, the back of his knuckles stroking over my cheek bone. When his thumb meets my lips and strokes over them, tracing every last inch, I almost melt into a puddle.

“Because I don’t trust the way you’re making me feel,” he admits. “And I can’t afford to let anyone else fuck up our family any more than it already is.”

“I would never dream of hurting your family.”

“You might not intend to. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen.”

Then his touch is gone, leaving me cold and bereft. The bubble of anticipation encapsulating us bursts with each step he takes away from me. By the time Zach returns, Killian has turned his back completely and I’m holding back tears.

“Uh, am I interrupting?” Zach blurts.

Without a word, Killian storms off towards the high street, causing pedestrians to leap out of his way in fright. Zach takes his place and throws an arm around me.

“What was that all about?”

“Beats me,” I answer him. “Your cousin confuses me so much.”

“Honestly, same. I still don’t understand him.”

Letting Zach steer me after Killian’s furious steps, I shove my anger down deep. It shouldn’t hurt to be disregarded by Killian, yet somehow, it does. I wasn’t sure what to expect from him, but that little performance wasn’t it.

Guiding me into a cute shop, Zach stretches out his hands to gesture around. “Have at it.”