More than anything, I want Arianna to live freely. She can run, play, laugh and relax here. There’s no threat of violence hanging over us. I don’t need to sleep with one eye open, using my body as a bruised and beaten shield to keep her safe from harm.

“What do you say?” Zach stares at me.

“We could stay put.”

Killian perks up, his head tilted. “Is that a yes?”


“Not good enough. The word you’re looking for is yes.”

Snickering, I meet his expectant gaze. “You’re a pain in the ass, aren’t you?”

“You’re just figuring that out about me?” he counters.

Shaking my head at his bullshit, I look back at Arianna again. Seeing her asleep and safe, nestled amongst tangled blankets and that bloody sculpture, seals my decision. I can’t take this away from her, and I don’t want to.

“That’s a yes.”

Thumping his glass of liquor down, Zach suddenly pulls me into a hard, fast hug. I let myself melt in his wiry arms, my eyes connecting with Killian’s over his shoulder. Even the grumpy lumberjack is wearing a relieved smile.

“You’re officially one of us,” Zach announces, deepening his voice to a playful growl. “One of us. One of us.”

“Alright, get off me. I submit.”

Killian snags his cousin’s t-shirt and yanks him backwards, freeing me. Zach picks up the empty glass and fills it with a small measure of whiskey. I reluctantly accept and knock it back this time, needing some liquid courage.

Fire burns a path down my throat, and the warmth seeping into my bones is comforting in a strange way. Even if it tastes like death. I’d prefer to replace the bad memories I have of this drink with this pure, untainted moment.

“I was wondering if one of you could take me into the nearest town to get some stuff.” I place the glass down and hug myself tight. “If you don’t mind, that is.”

“I’m going on a delivery run for Micah next week,” Zach suggests. “You sure you’re ready to venture out?”

“I’ve got to some time.”

“Cool. We can make a day of it.”

Clinging to the tiniest scrap of courage, I make myself nod. Being cooped up here for another week won’t make it any easier to leave. If we’re staying in Briar Valley, I need to get myself together and start settling in. Our lives here still feel temporary right now.

“I’ll come too,” Killian adds.

Zach shoots him a perplexed look. “You will?”

“What?” He glares back at him. “Your scrawny little ass won’t do shit if you run into trouble. I’ll bring my rifle along and knock any creepers out.”

“Creepers?” I exclaim.

“He means men,” Zach clarifies with a short laugh. “You belong to the valley now. We protect what’s ours. Better get used to this possessive fucker following you around with his gun from now on.”

Killian looks thrilled at the prospect, cracking his scar-laden knuckles in anticipation. “It’s been a while since I had a good hunt.”

“There are no men in my life to hunt down,” I splutter.

He eyes me. “Yet. Give it time.”