Joe just shakes his head. “She’s a grown woman and there’s no sign of a crime.”

My father gets a crafty look on his face. “Then Nira will have to marry him. He wanted a virgin anyway.”

That’s when Joe decks him and all hell breaks loose. Mrs. Donnelly tries to pull me away from the door, but I’m opening it instead. I rush over to Joe. My father picks himself up off the floor.

“Nira, you owe me. If you don’t want Josef to go to jail, you’d better get yourself into your sister’s dress.”

I shake my head mutely, appalled that he would use his own daughters as bargaining chips and even more so that he imagines we’re that interchangeable.

“Now!” my father barks, like he believes I’m going to jump to do his bidding.

“I’m already married,” I inform him, quietly slipping my hand into Joe’s. “And I’m not a virgin, either.”

My father’s face turns purple, and he rushes Joe with his eyes bulging and his hands outstretched into claws. Joe tries to push me behind him, but luckily Chef slides a catering cart in front of my father’s path and he goes trundling out the front door of the lodge and down the gravel path towards the lake. Eventually, the cart loses momentum on the uneven terrain. Nobody rushes to help.

“He won’t really try to put you in jail, will he?” I ask Joe, worried that we have new hurdles to climb.

Joe shrugs. “I doubt he’ll want the publicity about why I punched him. I can’t find it in me to be sorry, Short Stack. I know he’s your father, but…”

“Not one worth keeping.”

“Come on, let’s get you away from this mess. Mrs. Donnelly will take you up to our new room. Don’t give the number out to anyone, not even over the phone, okay? For now, I want you to stay put and I’ll come find you when this is neutralized.”

There’s no budging him, so after I extract a promise that he’ll be careful, I let Mrs. Donnelly lead me away to a sweet room in the far corner of the top floor, up where the dormer windows are. It’s not big, but it’s very quiet and what I suspect mattered to Joe is the last two floors are only accessible by staircase and that entrance requires a keycard for one of these rooms. Much less likely to get random visitors. All my things have already been moved, so I change into something more comfortable and emerge from the quaint bathroom to find that Chef has delivered a feast. I pick at a few things, but really I’m not hungry. I will be when I’m sure Joe’s okay, but not now. I spin the little twist tie on my finger and wish that my real wedding ring could be as whimsical. I’m assuming Joe is planning on getting me one. I can’t see him passing up the opportunity now that he’s at least admitted he wants me for himself. I hug myself at that thought.


It’s like a bad movie, I think to myself as I watch the FBI agents lead my new father-in-law away. All the bravado has sapped out of him, his head hanging, a bruise starting to form on his jaw where I hit him. But I’ll bet he starts claiming one of the agents did it as soon as he gets a lawyer.

Seems he played his shell game too close to the wire. He had hours to pay back the funds he’d stolen from his own company and that was only happening if Selena married the mob scion he’d bargained with. No bride, no funds, and the FBI was thinking they’d gotten a twofer, as the organized crime angle was a relatively new development.

I’m just thankful Nira is well out of it. He didn’t involve her in his business dealings and that was apparent to everyone, nor is she going back to the office or the house. I don’t technically have anyone to hand in our resignations to, so we’re going to stay the night here and leave. I’ll sort out final paychecks next week.

When the fawning entourage realizes that their center of orbit has well and truly fled the country, they dissipate completely. Then it’s almost like nothing ever happened. I watch the last of the stretch limos leave and then wearily climb the stairs to find my bride.

Nira throws herself at me, patting everywhere and talking a mile a minute. “Are you okay? What happened? Did you bang your head? Do I need to pack? Do I need to call a lawyer? Joe! Talk to me!”

I burst out laughing. “How? You haven’t taken a breath.”

She mutters and spins on her heel to grab a croissant. Stuffing the end in her mouth, she mumbles, “Talk.”

“Two sentences and then I intend to finally fuck my wife properly.” I hold up a hand to stave off a fresh wave of words. “Everything is handled, but your father is in a heap of federal trouble. Now come here, wife.” I gesture with a stern expression. Naturally, she rolls her eyes and eats the rest of the croissant before replying.

“I love you, but clearly we need some ground rules. No preemptive ordering about unless you want those orders to be ignored.” She holds up her index finger, which tells me she has at least five more things on her list. So instead, I scoop her up and carry her over to the bed.

“Joe! Are you even listening to me?”

“No. All my concentration has fled to my cock, which has scented its prey. Prepare to be ravished, Short Stack.”

She giggles, then frowns. “And stop calling me that. It’s not romantic.” She heaves a huge sigh of satisfaction as my fingers find her channel already dripping for me.

I drop a quick kiss on her lips. “I promise we’ll talk later, sweetness.”

When my cock sinks into her, it feels like coming home, no less so because her face lights up with every inch of me she takes. She loves being fucked, at least by me, and I fully intend that she never has a point of comparison. “Take it all, Nira. I can see you need to be stuffed full of cock, don’t you sweetness?”

She nods frantically, her hands grasping at my shoulders, trying to pull me in further. “Tell me how you want it, Nira. You’re not a virgin anymore, are you? You’ve been stretched wide by my cock before, so you know what to expect. Your pussy wants to be ruined this time and you’re going to take everything I give you like a good girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes! Yes! Joe, now, please!” she’s begging so sweetly and her pussy is fluttering around me, caressing and inflaming my cock even further. My girl likes a little dirty talk and while it’s a struggle to form words, it’s worth it to see her writhe in my arms. I tease her with a series of short shallow thrusts that have her making faces and attempting to clamp down on my cock and drag it in.