Joe lives in a high-rise condo with 360 views of the city. He’s not worried about his grass.


I can’t believe all this time, innocent little Nira had my favorite jersey. I’ve been wracking my brain for months looking for that thing. I never take it out of the house unless I’m wearing it, so I was positive it hadn’t gone far. When the hell did she steal it? And for fuck’s sake, why?

When she brings it back to me bright and early Monday morning, it’s carefully folded into a perfect rectangle. The look on her face is so sad when she places it on my desk I almost back down. Hell, I do. “Maybe you should keep it,” I say gruffly, not being into kicking kittens this week.

Her eyes lighten briefly, but then she draws her shoulders back and tightens her lips. “No, I shouldn’t have taken it without permission.”

“Short Stack…” I start, but she gives me a tight smile and rushes out of my office like it’s on fire. I’ve got an incident meeting in five so I can’t chase after her. I’ll see her tonight and try to get more out of her then.

Except I don’t. She’s gone by the time I wrap up and the next night, too. Her little office with no window is dark and still when I stop by at the end of the day. I don’t know why her father couldn’t let her sit in one of the empty offices with a window. Nira doesn’t hide that it’s her connections that got her the job, so forcing her into a broom closet isn’t solving anything.

On Wednesday, I happen to be coming back from an off-site meeting as she’s rushing out of the lobby. It’s still light out, but the majority of the staff left over an hour ago. Nira knows the rules. I stop her by standing in her way until she gulps and looks up.

“You know your father never rescinded those spanking privileges he gave me when you were thirteen,” I say slowly. “Why isn’t Kevin with you?”

She flushes and averts her eyes, biting her lip. “Oh, there are still plenty of people here.”

“Where?” I gesture towards the empty walkway leading to the equally empty parking garage.

“Joe,” she heaves an exasperated sigh. I shake my head and follow her into the garage. Something’s not right with Nira. She hasn’t stopped by my office once all week after returning the jersey and she’s usually a cheerful chatterbox.

I hold out my hand for her keys and, out of habit, she drops them in. I don’t miss the heavy sigh, though. I do a quick sweep of her car until I’m distracted by the small stack of brochures for rival real-estate investment firms.

“Nira,” I manage relative calm, “what the hell is going on?”

“Nothing. Can I go home now, please?” She holds her hands out for the keys, but I drop them in my front pocket instead.

“Not until you explain. Where did all those brochures come from?”

She shrugs uncomfortably, shifting her weight to her other foot. “I stopped by to see one of my professors from school. Do you remember me telling you about Professor Malone? The really good-looking one that never socializes with anyone? Kind of like you? Anyway, I think it’s time I stood on my own two feet, so I checked in with him to get some advice as to where I might be able to have a fresh start. After the wedding, of course. I wouldn’t jeopardize Selena’s big day, but I need to get out on my own.”

I scan her face. Leaving her father’s company doesn’t surprise me, except for the part where she’s constantly seeking his withheld affection but… if that was all, she shouldn’t look so beaten down. I vaguely recall her going on and on about some professor who could keep a class riveted, but I’ve long ago forgotten the details.

“Keep going.” I brace one arm on the top of her car to remind her she’s not going anywhere. She won’t meet my gaze. “Do we need to go back to my office for this?”

“Fine. I need to get over a guy, okay? And that’s harder to do when I see him every day because you know me and I’m not good at giving up.”

That makes me smile because she’s right, she’s persistent as fuck, but then I sober again and a hot blaze of anger fills me. “What do you mean? What guy? How old is this professor?”

She rolls her eyes. “I don’t know how old he is. Your age, maybe? What difference does it make? He’s not the guy, and it’s not important. This guy just doesn’t see me that way is all. He didn’t hurt me.”

Like hell he didn’t. Her whole body is stiff with the lie.

“Nira, who the hell is this prick and where do I find him?” My snarl brings some of the twinkle back to her eyes.

“You’d probably like him, Joe. He didn’t lead me on or seduce me, so you don’t get to smash him into the boards. I just need to get away, get a fresh perspective, you know?”

Reluctantly, I hand over her keys. I’m tempted to follow her home, but she drives straight enough out of the garage and I can check the security cameras at her place from my office. Seeing as how she lives in the apartment over her dad’s garage.

But now I’m on a mission to find out who’s been toying with her affections. I’m not entirely sure it’s not this professor guy, although she wouldn’t need to leave this company to avoid him. She’s protecting whoever it is, but I don’t feel any such attachment to the idiot. I don’t care if he didn’t do anything — that’s a crime, too. If he’s lucky enough to have Nira’s interest, he’d damn well better return it.

I stop by the security desk in the lobby where Kevin is sitting idly, playing on his phone. He goes pale and stuffs it under his thigh when I growl.

“Um, hi, boss. Problem?”

“Who the hell is Nira in love with and why wasn’t I informed?” I’m still fuming.