I swallow thickly and gather every single inch of courage I can gather and ask, “Hey, would you ever want to go out and grab a drink, or maybe dinner with me sometime?”
Her smile never wavers, and I’m hoping this means she will say yes.
She takes a few moments before she responds, but when she finally does, she simply says, “No.” She flicks her wrist, checking the time, and then adds, “I’ve got to run now, but I’ll see you around town. Good-bye, Declan.” She turns on her heels and starts in the opposite direction before I even have a chance to grasp what just happened.
Okay, so that was unexpected. I really didn’t think she’d say no. As a matter of fact, I was pretty damn sure she was going to say yes.
But she didn’t.
She turned me down.
But instead of me feeling down or letting it get to me, I feel good.
This is just a little hiccup, and it won’t make me back down. There’s just no way I’m giving up this easily.
I smile to myself and watch her walk away with each step she takes.
Damn, she’s got a nice little body. Tight and curvy in all the right places.
And I’m determined to claim it, and her, very soon.
Iwanted to say yes.
God knows how badly I wanted to accept his invitation to go out to dinner, or drinks, or wherever else he wanted to take me. I wanted to so badly.
But I just couldn’t.
I don’t know if I’m really ready to date or anything like that. I was with Todd for as long as I can remember. For so many years, Todd was the only man I had in my life.
Now, there’s the possibility of finding something more with Declan, and as much as the thought excites me, it scares me half to death.
That teeny tiny wordyeswould have come out so easily if my stupid brain hadn’t gotten in the way. I was hoping he’d ask me. I could tell by the way his eyes took me in that he found me just a little attractive, and I was really hoping he’d make a move. But as soon as he asked me out, I just couldn’t give that little three letter word life. I couldn’t voice the word yes, no matter how badly I wanted to.
Liv is probably going to give me hell, but whatever. What else can I do? It’s not like I didn’t try. I was actually the one to initiate him walking with me. That, I’m sure she’ll be proud of. And then we talked so much just like we used to do way back when. When we used to be close friends.
I have to admit that talking to him is so easy. Who would’ve thought I would have mentioned my divorce, or even Todd, so casually? I would have never imagined talking to Declan about it could feel like a breeze. And letting Declan know I wanted a baby so badly, and Todd didn’t, as if we were discussing the weather? Who knew I had it in me to just converse this way with him after so long?
Declan makes venting or expressing my feelings so damn easy. It’s almost scary how easily I found it to talk to him. Maybe I shouldn’t have felt so free, so open with him. But I couldn’t control it. The words just flowed like a river downstream.
And now what’s going to happen the next time I see him? Because I’m sure I will. This is a small town where everyone knows one another and all their dirty laundry. It’s inevitable that we will run into each other once again.
But honestly, what am I expecting to happen? I already turned him down. Do I really think after I said no, he’ll ever ask me out again? Highly unlikely.
I take a deep breath and let out a sigh of disappointment. This sucks. I wish I would have just said yes.
Oh, well.
I reach my front door and unlock it, heading on inside. Instead of wasting any time, I make a beeline for the bedroom, toss my phone on top of my bed, head into the bathroom, and quickly undress. I need a shower.
The cool water running over my skin feels amazing. If I could stay in here all day and let the water just fall on me like it’s doing now, I’d be happy.
The thought of Declan comes crashing to the front of my mind again. Damn, he looked so fine. Sweats and a T-shirt never looked so good on a man before. And fuck, did he fill that shirt. I bite down onto my bottom lip as my hands run the soapy sponge over my naked body. I wish it was his hands that were on me now. God, he’d feel so good. I just know it.
And now I need to hurry before this quick shower turns into a fifteen minute porno scene.