Ilace up my boots and finish packing up for the evening. Thank God this grueling twenty-four-hour shift is over. My lower back and arms are killing me.
“So, you gonna ask her?” Matt’s voice snaps me back to the locker room and out of my thoughts regarding my aches and pains. They still suck, though.
“Huh?” I take a seat on the bench separating us and watch him shake his head disapprovingly at me.
Serenity. When I told him about where I knew her from, his face turned as white as a ghost’s. He said he didn’t really remember anyone from back then, but he told me to take a chance and see. Maybe she won’t hate me after all. He suggested I tell her about it soon rather than later, and I agreed I would. I’ll tell her soon. I will. Just not yet. I don’t want this beautiful fairytale to end before I can really get to know her.
“Are you going to ask her to be your date to Heat Feast?” he pushes.
Heat Feast is the annual firefighters festival where the three cities—Glimerton, Bay Ridge, and Surface Hills—in the area get together and let loose. It’s always been a great time. There’s an abundance of food, games, music, and a ton of events that take place. You’d think Heat Feast would be celebrated during the summer months, but it’s always after the new year. Heat just refers to the firefighters.
Matt pauses for a second, adjusting his belt and then adds, “I mean, all I’ve heard for the past couple of weeks is how great things with Serenity are going. It would just make total sense to bring her.”
I take a moment to consider his words. Of course he’s right and since finding out the exact date for Heat Feast, it was something I’d even thought about myself.
Things with Serenity were indeed going great, but I just haven’t gotten around to asking her yet because, well, honestly, I’m afraid. Not that she will say no. We’ve gone out on a few dates since our first one and every time, it’s always better than the last. But what I’m afraid of is that as soon as I’ll ask her, something will go wrong. Let me explain. Heat Feast was the last real event I had been at with Maddie. Not long after, she was gone.
“So?” he pushes.
I shrug. “I guess.” I don’t want to show my enthusiasm, but Matt quickly picks up on it, anyway.
“Pssh. Come on, man. It’s the obvious thing to do. Call her.”
As if the thought hadn’t dawned on me, I repeat, “Call her?”
He shakes his head. “Yeah, you know. Pull the cell phone out of your pocket, find her on your call list, and hit send.” He makes the motions and acts out his words. “Wait for her to answer and then ask her. It’s really simple.”
Now I’m the one shaking my head. “I was just going to ask her the next time I see her.”
He smirks. “Yeah, sure. And when was that going to be?”
I shrug again. “I don’t know. Maybe this weekend.”
“Just call her up and ask her now, bro. It won’t kill you, and it will let her know you’re thinking about her. Chicks love that shit.”
But is that what I want? Do I really want her knowing she’s all I’ve been thinking of lately? Would it be so bad if I did or if she knew?
Without thinking over his words any further, I pull out my phone from my pocket and dial her number. Then I take a seat on the bench and wait for her to respond. Matt sits beside me and leans in to listen.
It rings four times before she picks up.
“Hey, Zander!”
Her sweet voice stirs something inside of me, and I immediately miss her.
Matt punches my arm playfully three times, listening in to the call. He’s just as excited as I am that she’s answered.
“Hi, Serenity. What are you up to?”
“Lissa and I were just watching a show and trying to decide if we wanted pizza or Chinese for dinner. It’s a no cooking kind of night.” She giggles and I chuckle right along with her. Moments later, she adds, “What about yourself?”
I gulp hard. This is it. “Well, I’m just about to leave the station, but I was wondering if you’d go with me to Heat Feast next Friday.”
She gasps, excited, I hope. “Heat Feast? Sounds fun. Sure, I’d love to go!”