To say I got little to no sleep last night is an understatement. After seeing that picture of me from an unknown number, all types of thoughts ran through my mind. At first, I thought maybe it was one of Zander’s friends. Maybe Matt or Valerie took the picture of Zander and me and wanted to send it to me. But I had never given either of them my phone number. Maybe Zander had?
But then, as I looked closely at it, I could see Matt and Valerie huddled up against a wall, kissing. The picture couldn’t possibly be from either of them if they were in it as well.
I tried not to dwell on it and get to sleep, but I couldn’t.
I texted the number asking who it was, but got no reply. Instead, it showed up as undeliverable. When I called the number, it didn’t ring. I didn’t hear the trill, nor did a voicemail pick up like it typically would when a phone is turned off. An automated message just came on, saying my call couldn’t be completed as dialed.
I finally get out of bed around six thirty; I can only spend so much time tossing and turning. The store is going to open in a few more hours, and before I can even think about heading out the door, I need a nice, hot shower.
Thoughts of Zander come crashing into the front of my mind, and just like that, all the worries from the night before vanish. He makes me feel so good inside; I can’t wait to see him again. I’m going to see if he wants to meet up for dinner tonight, if he can even step out. I know he’s going to be at the firehouse for a while.
Serenity: Good morning, my sexy fireman. Hope you have a good day.
Before I can even place my phone back down and head into the bathroom, his reply comes through.
Zander: Good morning, beautiful. You totally read my mind - I was just about to text you when yours came through. How did you sleep, sweetheart?
His terms of endearment for me make me feel so freaking giddy. I love that we’re at this level right now. Our relationship is new, but not totally brand new, in that we don’t know how to act. But it’s not that old either. It’s perfect right now. Everything is perfect.
But now he’s asking how I slept. Do I tell him what happened, or should I just brush it off?
Serenity: I slept okay. Hey, I was thinking about grabbing dinner with you tonight if you’re up for it?
Zander: Just okay? Damn, still hurting from our adventures in my bed yesterday ;)
Zander: And yes, I’d love to get dinner with you tonight... as long as I can have you for dessert :P
I skip the previous text and just focus on the last one he sent me. I don’t think right now is a good time to get into it. I don’t want him to worry. I’m sure that I’m probably reading too much into the photo and it’s probably nothing. Maybe Zander will recognize the number it came from. I can bring it up to him tonight when I see him.
Serenity: You can have me for dessert anytime you want, love :*) I’ll stop by the firehouse around nine if that’s good for you?
Zander: That’s perfect, baby. I’ll see you then.
Serenity: Awesome, I can’t wait :)
I place my phone in the pocket of my pajama pants and walk out into the hallway with my towel. Just as I’m about to walk into the bathroom, I hear voices coming from down the hall. One I recognize as my sister’s, but the other?
I creep out further into the hallway, and right before I reach the living room, I drop my towel as I take in the sight before me. Standing at the front door, wrapped up in a bedsheet, is my sister, making out with some guy. Luckily, he’s fully dressed, but who the hell is he and why hadn’t she told me anything? I stay behind the wall so I don’t interrupt what’s going on and keep watching.
As Lissa pulls away, he gives her one last kiss, whispering something to her, before opening the door and walking out. Lissa slams her back against the door and inhales deeply.
I take that as my cue to walk in and confront her. “And who, pray tell, was that hunk?” I ask with a smirk.
“Serenity!” Lissa jumps, but thankfully, she doesn’t drop the sheet wrapped around her body.
“I totally approve; he was good looking.” I wink.
Lissa holds the sheet tight against her body as she shakes her head. “I didn’t know you were up yet. Sorry if I woke you.”
I walk in front of the couch and take a seat on it. “Nah, I was already up.” I don’t get into the reason just yet, but I’m definitely going to tell her about the photo I received last night. Right now, I just want to hear all about her mystery dude, though. “Okay, so now that we got all of that out of the way, who was that guy you were so busy shoving your tongue down his throat?”
Lissa gasps. “I was not!” She walks over and takes a seat across from me. She turns a bright shade of pink as she looks me in the eye and tries to deny what I had walked into. But I saw what I saw, and her hair looking like a bee’s nest is confirmation that she was getting down and dirty.
Thank God!
First of all, because her ex doesn’t deserve her to dwell on him and not find happiness. She deserves all the happiness and all the good in the world, and he is a loser who had no problem letting go of such a good woman. I just hope one day he realizes he made a mistake by cheating on her. Asshole. And two, I wouldn’t want to tell her about my romp-around-the-sack with Zander if she wasn’t getting any. It would have made me feel weird and guilty, even though I know I did nothing wrong. I want her to be happy, too.