“Then you probably came to the same conclusion as I did,” I say.
“I’m still undecided. I might need to fuck you again on the plane home,” he says, no hint of playfulness in his voice.
It completely throws me off guard. “Logan, I don’t think—”
“Ithinkyou overthink things, and that you and I need to talk after this is over.”
But what’s there to say? I refuse to have Carter in my life. And I’d never ask Logan to stop being the kindhearted man he is. It’s what makes him special. And especially sexy.
“I’ve already made up my mind, Logan. There’s not going to be an us,” I say.
“The sex was that bad, huh?”
“Yep,” I lie. “Now can we just focus on getting Sofie and Carter back in one piece?”
“Whatever you say, Mila.”
And…we’re back to being angry at Mila, again.
Logan and I pull up to the front gate of the Gusano Brothers Farm. It’s dark outside, but I can make out several security cameras along the ten-foot-high stone wall on either side of the gate.
“It’s a damned fortress,” I say.
“Looks that way.” Logan lowers his window and hits the button on the intercom podium just outside the gate. The gate slides open, and he looks at me like he wants to say something, but then changes his mind.
We pull forward and take a long driveway that weaves through towering coconut trees on either side. I see no employees or structures until we arrive at the house, which is a large, sprawling white monster with a huge circular fountain out front. The lighting in the water creates dazzling effects on the façade of the house, almost like a light show.
“This is pretty,” I say.
“Let’s get this over with.” Logan shuts off the engine, leaving our SUV to the side of the driveway, and steps out. “Get Carter’s camera,” he says.
That’s when I remember something important.
I get out of the SUV, too, leaving my door open for a fast getaway. “Logan,” I whisper, “I don’t have it.”
“What?” he hisses back.
“I gave the camera to Skippy, remember?”
“You’re just now realizing this?” If looks could kill.
“In my defense, there’s no point giving the camera to Miguel. Not when Skippy’s seen the video and put it on a cloud somewhere. The camera isn’t what he’s after.”
“Christ.” Logan shakes his head.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t think we were actually going to give up the only leverage we have.”
His blue eyes flicker with anger. I think he sees where I’m going with this. “I’m not disagreeing, but you might’ve told me this before we got here.”
“You’re the one who said you didn’t see the point of making a plan.” I shrug.
“You and I are going to have words when this is all over,” he snarls.
“It’ll be my pleasure because it means we’re still alive.”
“True. Now let’s see what these assholes want,” Logan says.