Page 62 of Two Sticky Nuts

“I’m sorry, Logan. I really am.”

“You’ve been saying that a lot lately.”

“Logan? Can I go now?” Sydney’s blonde head pops out from behind the divider.

“Yeah.” He whooshes out a breath.

“Hey,” she says, “your numbers are looking strong.”

He nods. “Good.”

I haven’t had time to tell Sofie about what’s happened, so this is great news. It means things will only get better. I hope.

“See you tomorrow?” Sydney says.

“I’ll let you know. Be prepared to pull from my greatest hits.”

“The pudding specials. Got it. Good night, Logan.” She leaves, and I stare at him, preparing for the worst tongue-lashing ever.

“Can I just say one thing before I go?” I ask.


Sayin’ it anyway. “It made me sick watching you pimp yourself like that.”

“You looked like you were having fun to me,” he says resentfully.

“Well, I’m not insane. Just look at you.” I wave my hand over his body. “But after the buzz wore off, I was actually a little sad watching a strong, beautiful man degrade himself like that.”

“Ichooseto do this.”

“Only, you already admitted you want out. And knowing that made me want something better for you.”

“I made seventeen thousand dollars today. The giveaway raffle turned out to be a success despite my recent bad PR.”

I swallow. “Seventeen?”

“Yes, and that’s money that’ll help my mother die in peace.”

“That’s a lot of cash.” I can’t imagine what I’d have to do to earn that kind of money in one day. “But does she know? Is this what your mom would want for you?”

“She doesn’t know, and she never will.”

“Except you told me you don’t lie. Why’s this any different?”

“Who the hell asked you, and how is any of this your business, Mila?”

I honestly can’t say. “I guess it’s what I do. It’s what I’ve always done. I fix problems.” Every problem except my own.

“I don’t need fixing. Except for the disaster you created by telling the world I’m Carter.”

“I’m going to make things right, Logan. I promise. But I felt like someone should tell you the truth. If this isn’t what you want to do, then move on. Have faith in yourself and that everything is going to work out.”

“Who areyouto givemeadvice?”

I take a beat, searching for the right words. “I’m the woman who quit her job today so she could help you and make things right.”

He stares deeply into my eyes, and somewhere inside I sense a small crack forming in his armor. Maybe it’s the way his eyes are softening or how his breathing slows. Maybe it’s the way his lips are twitching, just like mine are. Below the waist, of course.