Page 56 of Two Sticky Nuts

“Yet you’re obsessed with putting your balls in every hole you can find.” I turn to leave. “Enjoy doing your own work for once.”

“I was going to give you a raise, Mila! But you can forget that now.”

Yep. I push the door to go outside. My phone instantly rings. It’s Coco.

“Hey,” I say.

“Mila. Wow. That was so overdue.”


“We’re all really proud of you,” she says. “And Larry already told me he won’t allow his staff to sub for Dick’s people anymore. Dick’s too needy.” She lowers her voice. “Also, I hear that Larry’s going to buy Dick out soon. He’s tired of holding up the business on his own.”

So, in a way, Dick is going to get fired? Awesome. “Thank you for all the help and support, Coco.”

“Anytime, Mila. You be sure to let us know where you land, ’kay?”

“Absolutely.” I slide into my car, and my other line goes off. It’s Skippy. “I have to go. I’ll call you later.”

“Sure thing. Talk soon.”

I answer Skippy’s call, holding my breath.

“Mila, you were right. Carter filmed his abduction.”

“No shit.”

“Yes shit. And you’re never going to believe who took him.”


My heart thumps wildly inside my chest. I almost don’t want to hear the answer, because from the sound of Skippy’s voice, it isn’t good news. I just pray it wasn’t some jealous husband situation or a disgruntled woman, like me, seeking justice.

I slow my breathing and then ask away. “Who took Carter?”

“Have you ever heard of Miguel Gusano?”

“No,” I say.

“He owns some of the biggest farms throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Mostly coconuts.”

“Coconuts?” Why is this becoming a reoccurring theme in my life? I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something again.

“Yeah, but the unofficial word is that Miguel Gusano’s brother, Roman, ships all sorts of drugs, using the coconuts as packages. They inject it as a liquid inside and seal them with wax plugs.”

This is pretty detailed for an unofficial word a person just stumbled upon. “How do you know so much?”

Skippy doesn’t reply.

“Please, Skippy. I really need to help find Carter.”

“I really can’t tell you, Mila.”

“Skippy! Come on. What if this were your brother?”

“Which one? I have ten.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake.“Pick your favorite.”