Page 46 of Two Sticky Nuts

“Did you or did you not lie and pretend you liked me?”


Gotcha.“And did you secretly film me?” I ask.


I grin triumphantly. “Is Bob even dead?”

“No. I made that part up so you’d feel sorry for me and let me in your house again.”

What a monster.“That’s all I wanted, Carter. The truth.”

“Can I please come over and explain the reason I lied?”

“If I were you, I’d be getting a great lawyer. Maybe check out some janitorial schools, too, while you’re at it.”Because after I post this, you won’t be making any more films.

I hang up. “Asshole.”


“Wow. You got all that in one evening?” Sofie asks over the phone.

“Yep. Full confession about the filming. Plus Logan was over, begging me not to take legal action until I heard Carter out.”

“So Logan left and called you right away, pretending to be Carter? Wow.”

“Yep. Wow,” I say. “They must really think I’m dumb.”

“Not for long. Send me all the files, and I’ll have my guy get started on pulling the exposé together. I’ll post it tomorrow.”

A guilty niggling feeling starts poking at my gut. “Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?”

“You can still go the legal route if you want, but this is going to be way less expensive.”

“You’re always right, Sofie.”

“Hey, I’m proud of you, girl. You’re grabbing life by the balls.”

“Next on the chopping block is Dick,” I say.

“That’s right,” she says. “First we take down the balls. Then comes dick.”

“Very funny.”

“I have my moments. Oh. By the way, did I tell you I met someone?” she asks.


“Yeah, I got into an accident.”

“What? Why didn’t you say anything?” I bark.

“I’m fine. We weren’t going fast, but I plowed into some guy’s Bentley. Guess who got out of the car?” she asks.

“Let me see. Was it the newest Mega Ball Lotto winner, and he wants to give his winnings to you?”

“Nope,” she says. “Guess again.”