Not to mention, he was in the process of letting the best thing—the best person—ever to happen to him slip through his fingers and, very possibly, out of his life for good.

“What the fuck are you doing, Kincaid?” he said aloud, pushing back from his desk with disgust. Since when had money and power become more important than love?

But that wasn’t really the question, was it? The real question was, how had he lived his entire life before Sophia doing that very thing, and having no problem with it?

Though he was presently spending practically every waking hour trying to keep his business ducks all lined up and paddling nicely, his heart wasn’t in it. In fact, it was nowhere nearby, which might explain why he was having so much trouble getting things done.

That drive—that obsessive, do-anything-for-the-deal drive had been derailed by this amazing woman who had exploded into his life that first day at Desire Island. She had remained front and center in both his heart and mind ever since then, but he’d been too busy to show her the attention and love she deserved.

He kept drifting into sexy daydreams about Sophia at the most inopportune times. Earlier in the week, he’d actually lost the thread of the conversation during an important conference call with several key players. He had trouble mustering enthusiasm for potential new deals that would have totally energized and absorbed him before he’d met this astonishing woman.

He hadn’t seen her since the night of the fire, in spite of his best intentions. He simply had too much on his damn plate. Each night, when he finally found the time to call Sophia, she was always gracious, sexy and responsive. Yet, underneath her charm, he sensed she was slipping away from him. He was losing her.

And for what? Another piece of real estate? Another couple of zeroes on his bank balance?

Exasperated, he turned off his computer, not even bothering to save what he’d been working on. “This is fucked up, Kincaid,” he said, pushing back from his desk and getting to his feet. “Something’s got to change, and it’s got to be you. And it’s got to be now.”

All at once, he knew what he had to do. The realization exhilarated him. The solution was so simple. The actual execution would be a little more complicated, but that was why he had lawyers and accountants. Once he’d made the decision, the rest was just details.

He laughed aloud and actually did a little impromptu jig right there in the office. It was as if he’d just thrown off a ten-ton weight he hadn’t even realized he’d been carrying. He slipped his hand into his pocket, wanting to text Sophia his exciting news.

But he caught himself. It was the middle of the night. He wouldn’t disturb her. Nor would he tell her what he planned to do. He would just do it. And then he would tell her, face-to-face.


Friday night, six days since the fire at Nick’s club, Sophia sat in the back office closing out the accounts. Once she was done with that, she’d tackle pricing the new items she’d accepted on consignment.

She looked up in confusion when the brass bells on the front door tinkled, as she’d closed up the shop an hour earlier.

“Yoo hoo,” Laura’s familiar voice called out. “You still here, Soph?”

“Back here,” Sophia replied. “What’re you doing here? Did you forget something?”

Laura appeared at the doorway. “You.”


“I’ve come to collect you. You’ve been moping around all week. I’m not buying your ‘everything’s fine what are you talking about’ line for another second.”

When Sophia started to protest that everything was fine, Laura held up a hand.

“Don’t forget—I’ve known you a long time, and I know when you’re full of shit. So, put away whatever you’re working on. It’s been a billion years since we had a girls’ night out.”

“What about Ben? An hour ago you couldn’t wait to get home.”

Laura slapped her forehead. “I know, right? I totally forgot Ben had this bachelor party thing. I’m on my own tonight. I’m assuming, based on the moping, that you are, too?”

“I have not been moping,” Sophia asserted, though maybe she had been—just a little. “And I’m on my own because that’s what works for me right now, okay?” She could hear the defensiveness in her tone. Forcing a smile, she added, “Really, everything is good. We’re just taking a little breather. Nick has a lot on his plate right now.”

The fire had damaged a significant portion of the other club before it was contained but, fortunately, no one had been hurt. Still, there was plenty for Nick to deal with, including his partner’s sudden defection, which only piled more on his already full work plate. Mindful of the pressure and stress he had to be feeling, Sophia had done her best to be patient and understanding. But the truth was, she was dying to see him, and if he’d so much as crooked a finger in her direction, she’d have come running.