“I’ve got my own,” Sophia piped up. She reached into her gear bag and pulled out her favorite leather cuffs, their clips already attached.

“Of course you do,” Martin said with a grin. “What was I thinking?”

He returned to his spiel. “There are six different attachment points to choose from. Once you’ve got her strapped in, push this lever here”—he pressed a lever at the base of the contraption—“to unlock the wheel and you’re good to go.”

He gave the wheel a demonstrative spin and then reengaged the brake. “You can strap her in facing outward or facing the wheel. Nudity is fine. I’ll be back in twenty minutes to help with takedown and cleanup. Any questions?”

“We’re good, thanks,” Lord Brandon said. As Martin walked away, Lord Brandon turned to Sophia. “Do you care to disrobe, my lady?”

“Indeed, I do, kind Sir,” Sophia replied in her best attempt at an English noblewoman. Dropping the accent, she added with a grin, “How can I get a proper whipping with all this leather in the way?”

“My sentiments exactly,” he replied, gifting her with another radiant smile.

She handed him her cuffs so she could strip. As he took them, their fingers touched and something electric sparked along Sophia’s spine.

Pulling her hand away, Sophia bent down to undo her laces and remove her boots. Lord Brandon watched her, his heavy eyelids hooding as she unhooked her cincher and unzipped her skirt. Finally, she slipped off her panties. Folding her things, she placed them in her gear bag and set it aside.

“Safeword?” Lord Brandon queried, his eyes still flitting over her body.

“Mercy,” Sophia replied, pleased he’d asked, not that she expected to use it.

He slipped the gear bag from his shoulder. “Whip, crop, flogger, cane? What’s your pleasure?”

“I love them all. Surprise me,” she said.

They decided she would face the wheel, arms extended. Lord Brandon held her arm supportively as she stepped into the leg supports and got her balance. As she leaned against the padded body rest, he strapped her into place. Finally, he wrapped her cuffs around her wrists and extended her arms, clipping them to the wheel so she formed a human Y.

Sophia’s entire body tingled with expectation, while at the same time something heavy, dark and perfect settled in her soul. She adored the helpless, delicious feeling of being bound in this way. She was excited at the additional sensation promised by a turning wheel.

If only it were Nick standing behind her.

She heard the click of the wheel brake being disengaged. “Here we go,” Lord Brandon said. “Let me know if it’s too fast.”

The wheel began to turn, taking Sophia along with it. It was sturdy and well-balanced, but she squealed nonetheless, startled by the shift in her center of gravity.

“All good?” Lord Brandon queried.

“Yes, thanks,” Sophia replied, adjusting to the sensation.

Lord Brandon started with the flogger, nicely warming her skin. She sighed with pleasure as the stinging leather made her come alive. As he flogged her, he kept the wheel moving at a slow, steady turn. The feeling was both thrilling and disorienting.

Taking her at her word, he graduated from the flogger to a riding crop, smacking her ass and the backs of her thighs with strong, steady strokes that fired her skin and quickened her breath. Next came the whip, its sting sharp and sudden. All the while, she turned on the wheel, her hair falling into her face and away again as the wheel righted.

Her clit was throbbing, her nipples hard against the leather body rest. In her mind’s eye, Nick was behind her. In a moment, he would drop the whip and press his naked body to hers. He would kiss her neck and whisper that he was proud of his sub girl for taking her whipping with barely a whimper. Then he would enter her from behind, at the same time slipping his hand around her body to find and tease her cunt while his cock filled her completely…

She was startled by Lord Brandon’s voice in her ear. “You’re taking quite a whipping, lovely lady. None of the usual squirming and squealing. You please me.”

“It’s awesome,” she replied breathily. He was doing a good job. It wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t Nick Kincaid.

“I’m going to lock the wheel now,” he continued. “I want to use the cane. That work for you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He spun the wheel until she was completely upside down, which she hadn’t been expecting. Locked in that position, the blood rushed to her head. Her sense of helplessness intensified. Unless she shouted her safeword, she was truly at this man’s mercy.

The cane whistled and struck, leaving a line of searing heat across both ass cheeks.

Lord Brandon crouched beside her and murmured, “That good? You handle that okay? There’s a lovely mark.”

“More, please,” she begged in a throaty voice.