“Take the pain,” he growled in a low, sexy voice. He twisted harder, his fingers tight around her throbbing nipples. “And give me the pleasure.” He lifted his hips, thrusting even deeper inside her.

She responded in kind, swiveling and grinding her splayed cunt against his pubic bone. It was all so perfect—his cock filling her, the throb at her clit as they moved against one another, the perfect erotic pain at her breasts as he twisted and teased.

“Oh, god, oh, god,” she chanted again as waves of pleasure rose higher and higher inside her.

Nick was breathing hard now, his eyes fixed on her as he thrust upward to meet her gyrations. His hands fell away from her breasts, reaching for her hips. “Yes,” he hissed, moving her back and forth over him. The perfect friction against her clit drove her nearly out of her mind as she orgasmed against him with a protracted cry of raw pleasure.

The tendons on his neck stood out, his color high, sweat on his brow. “Fuck, yes,” he panted, jerking against her. “Sophia. Oh, Sophia…” The words were like a caress.

He stiffened suddenly and then spurted in a hard spasm inside her. His movements sent a series of climactic aftershocks through her frame, making her shudder and gasp as she fell forward against him.

Strong arms came around her, enfolding her in a warm embrace. Nick rolled to his side, taking her with him so they lay face-to-face on the bed, arms and legs wrapped around each other, his perfect cock still inside her.

They lay quietly for a long while as their breathing slowed and their bodies cooled. Sophia drifted in a quiet, warm place, her body sated, her mind pleasantly empty. What a lovely way to fall asleep…

Eventually, Nick pulled away from her. Gently, he pushed the hair from her eyes. “Sophia?” he asked softly, pulling her from a light doze.

Reluctantly, she opened her eyes.

Nick had lifted himself on one elbow. He regarded her with a cocked eyebrow.

“Hmmm?” she asked lazily.

“Don’t even think about going to sleep,” he said, chuckling. “Now that we took the edge off, I’m going to take my time. I’m going to make love to you all night long.”

Sophia briefly thought of protesting. She was tired—exhausted even—from the amazing events of the evening. Yet, his words had reawakened her body, which tingled all over with anticipation. She couldn’t seem to get enough of this guy.

“What the hell,” she said with a laugh and a toss of her head. She opened her arms to receive him. “Sleep is for the meek.”

Sophia squinted into the pale lavender pre-dawn light that washed the room. The bed was empty beside her. For a moment, she had no idea where she was. Then, she remembered.

“Nick?” she called softly, assuming he must be in the bathroom.

Speaking of which, she needed to pee. She threw back the covers and padded to the toilet. The ambient glow of a large nightlight was enough to see by, but the room was empty. Where was Nick?

She peed and then splashed water on her hands and face. She returned to the bedroom, where there was still no sign of him. More awake now, she stepped into the living room.

Nick was at his desk in a pair of shorts, his broad back bare. “I get it,” he was saying quietly but urgently into the phone. “Brian… Brian, stop it. Calm down. It’s going to be fine. I’m sure we can… No. I told you, I’ll be there when—”

“Nick?” Sophia asked softly.

Nick whipped around in the chair. “Sophia,” he said, clearly startled. She could hear a masculine voice talking loudly and urgently through the phone. Frowning, Nick said, “Brian. Brian, stop a second. Hold on. Listen, I’ll call you back. No. I promise. I’ll call you right back.”

He pressed a button on the screen and set down the phone. He smiled at Sophia, though the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

“No,” she replied, wrapping her arms around her torso, suddenly cold. “At least, I don’t think you did. I woke up and you weren’t in the bed, so…”

“Yeah.” He shrugged apologetically. “I couldn’t sleep so I got up and made the incredibly stupid mistake of checking my cell phone. We’ve still got some funding issues and Brian is going berserk.” His phone buzzed on the desk. He placed his hand firmly over it.

“It’s bad, huh?” Sophia commiserated. “I assume this is the same deal that’s been distracting you since you got here?” She strove to keep her tone neutral and kind. It was clear that whatever he was dealing with was upsetting him—and his business partner—quite a bit.

“Yeah,” he admitted with a sigh. “I may have to”—he broke off, dragging a hand over his forehead and pushing back his hair. “Fuck. I hate this. But I’m afraid…” He looked up at her, his eyes beseeching. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut my vacation short. This deal is going to completely fall apart if I don’t get back there and do some hands-on damage control.”