“It’s about trust,” he said finally. “I guess if I’m honest, I don’t trust very many people. I’m used to the cutthroat environment of high-stakes real estate development and backroom deal making. Some people in the business think nothing of pulling the rug out from under you if there’s an extra nickel to be made. And when it comes to women”—he paused, not wanting to sound like a jerk—“well, let’s just say there are some women who are more attracted to your wallet than to you as a person. Sometimes I find myself questioning their motives. I don’t like to be like that, so I tend to keep myself to myself, probably more than I should.”

“That’s got to be rough, having all that money,” Sophia said with a saucy grin.

“Oh, I didn’t mean—”

“I’m just teasing,” she said, her smile widening, her eyes dancing with good humor. “I get it. You want to be loved for you, not your Patek Phillipe.”

“Something like that,” Nick agreed with a grin.

He stopped walking, causing Sophia to stop too. He lifted her hand to his face and turned it so he could kiss her palm. He stopped himself in time. What was he doing? She would get the wrong idea.

Or was it the right idea?

He lowered her hand, but kept it loosely held in his as they resumed walking. “Back to what you asked—to what makes me tick as a Dom. Sometimes something happens. It’s rare and I guess that makes it all the more special. The connection is just there. It’s like an alchemical reaction—almost magical. There’s no awkwardness. The trust is immediate and real. I felt it this afternoon in the tank with you, and I felt it again tonight.”

He stared down into her eyes, which shone in the starlight. His lips tingled with the need to touch hers. He reached for her, closing his eyes in anticipation of her melting into his arms…

His eyes flew open as he stumbled forward into empty space, startled and confused. Sophia had pulled her hand from his and was running along the beach ahead of him, her crazy hair flying, the musical sound of her laughter floating back to him.

“What the hell?” he blurted, at first affronted and then amused. Laughing, he took off after her. She was fast, but he was faster. It didn’t take long to catch up to her. He tackled her from behind, causing them both to fall to the sand.

Still laughing, he pulled her close. “Think you can escape me, huh?” he growled playfully.

She struggled, laughing too. “Let me go, you big bully. Let me—”

He cut off her words by covering her mouth with his. He held her close, enjoying the feel of her breasts pressed hard against his chest as he slipped his tongue past her soft lips.

She stopped struggling as she kissed him back, her hands coming up around his neck. They kissed for a long time, she cradled on his lap as he held her in his arms.

When he finally let her go, she rolled away and leaned back on her elbows, staring out at the water, which looked black against the blue-black, star-studded sky. “Wow,” she said, turning her head to regard him. “You’re some kisser.”

“Yeah? So are you.” Talk about understatement. He could have kissed her forever.

“It’s a good sign,” she continued, smiling at him. “If I don’t like how a man kisses, I can’t get past that. But you were perfect.”

“I passed the test, huh?” he teased.

“With flying colors,” she agreed easily. She sat up and swiveled so she was facing him. “So, what happens now? Where do we go from here?” Something sparked in her eyes. Longing? Desire?

“What do you want to happen?” he replied, not sure if he was going for playful or serious.

“I asked you first,” she retorted with a grin.

He started to say something silly, but stopped himself. “Okay,” he said slowly, gathering his thoughts. “I think it’s pretty clear there’s something happening between us. Like I said earlier today, I don’t really go in for casual play. I admire your willingness and courage to give yourself over so completely. The way you let me submerge you in the water tank, and the way you reacted during the swing scene—it’s clear to me that you crave intensity of experience.”

“Yes,” she said softly, all the playfulness gone now from her expression.

“We have this amazing facility at our disposal. We’ve barely scratched the surface in our brief time together, but it’s enough to tell me I want more. A lot more. If you’re interested, I’d love to explore your limits. I’m on the same page as you in terms of what I’m looking for. Or rather, what I’m not looking for. I have no interest in a Master/slave connection. But I would like to connect with someone who has the courage and desire to give herself over to me for the next few days. I want to go deeper than I’ve gone before. I want to take you with me on a journey of intense sensory deprivation, and see where it takes us both. I want to challenge us both. I want to go past fun into something real—something powerful. So, what do you say? You in?”