“No,” Nick interrupted sharply, her fantasizing aligning a little too closely to his for comfort. One of them needed to have some limits, and he understood it was he, as Dom, who had that responsibility. “It was very intense for me, too,” he added, modulating his tone. “There was a moment there where I had to pull myself back. To remind myself it was my job not just to give you the submissive experience you crave, but to keep you safe in the process.”

Sophia nodded. “I know. I think that’s why I was able to let myself go so completely. I knew you were there to keep me safe.” She smiled like a trusting angel, her dimples beyond adorable.

Something clutched in Nick’s heart—something unfamiliar and almost frightening, yet also welcome.

Sophia reached out her hand and touched his arm, her smile falling away. Fixing him with those big, blue-green eyes, she whispered, “I want you to make love to me.”

Nick drew in a sudden breath, startled at her word choice. Was this the moment that would tip the balance of their relationship from scene partners to lovers?

Did he want that?

You’re dying to fuck her. Stop obsessing over semantics.

Leaning down, he stroked another springy lock of hair from her face. “I want that too, Sophia. Very much. Let me just finish cleaning up here and then we can go to my suite.”

They were quiet as they rode in the elevator. Sophia was once again dressed, her nipples perking prettily against her low-cut top, her sandals dangling from her hand. Perhaps feeling his gaze on her, she turned to him, smiling.

When he smiled back, she laughed. “Sorry. I can’t stop grinning.” She put her hands to her face. “My cheeks actually hurt from grinning so much. It’s all these endorphins zinging around in my bloodstream. Totally your fault.”

“I accept full responsibility,” Nick said, laughing too.

Once in his suite, he went over to the mini-fridge that was nestled between the desk and a bureau. He’d left his phone back in the room on purpose, not wanting to be disturbed during their scene. Now, he had a sudden urge to check both his phone and laptop in case there were any messages or emails that needed handling regarding the Cabot deal.

Don’t you dare, he ordered himself. No way was he going to fuck up with Sophia a second night running. Instead, he pulled out the bottle of top-notch champagne he’d ordered from the bar earlier that day. He turned to Sophia, who had flopped back onto the sofa with a languorous sigh.

“Care for a glass before I ravage you, sexy girl?” he asked with a wolfish smile.

“I’d love one,” she replied.

He popped the cork and filled the two champagne flutes he’d also had chilling in the fridge. Taking his seat beside her on the sofa, he handed her a glass. They clinked lightly and drank.

“Yum, that’s delicious,” Sophia said with appreciation.

“It is good,” Nick agreed, finishing his glass. “Care for another?”

Sophia shook her head. “Champagne goes right to my head.” She set her glass down on the end table at her side. “What I could use is a shower. I feel sticky from sweating in that vacuum bed.”

Nick, too, set down his glass and got to his feet. He held out a hand to help her up. “How about I’ll join you?”

“You’d better,” Sophia retorted with a laugh.

He took her into the bathroom, which included a Jacuzzi bath tub and a separate shower stall. He turned on the water in the shower. As it heated, they stripped off their things.

Nick’s cell phone started to ring in the other room. He pressed his lips together, annoyed. Couldn’t they leave him the fuck alone for one damn night?

“Do you need to get that?” Sophia asked, her tone neutral, her gaze elsewhere.

“Absolutely not,” he staunchly asserted.

They stood together under the hot water. Nick brought his arms around Sophia. She was a full head shorter than he, and she rested her cheek against his chest as they embraced. After a while, he reached for the soap and gently lathered it down her back and rubbed it along her rounded ass cheeks.

She turned so she was facing away from him. She had two adorable dimples above her butt. He reached around her, massaging her breasts, arms and body with soapy lather. Finally, he rubbed the bar along the cleft between her legs.

Sophia leaned against him with a soft moan as he teased her sex with soapy fingers. But after a moment, she twisted so she was facing him. She reached for the soap he held in his hand. He let her take it from him.

She lathered his body with soap, walking in a circle around him in the large stall. Returning to face him, she dropped to her knees in front of him and took his erect cock in her hand.