Sophia was shorter and curvier than the slender, leggy blondes he usually went for. Yet, he found himself attracted to her just the same. There was something about her self-possessed confidence that was attractive, and also something of a challenge.

“Have you engaged in water play before?” Caelan asked Sophia as the three of them stood together on the tank platform.

“Not like this,” Sophia replied. “Not in a submersion tank. But I’m quite comfortable giving up control.”

“That’s a good thing,” Caelan said. “Especially if you choose to be bound.”

“Oh, I definitely want to be bound,” Sophia said, deep dimples appearing in either cheek as she grinned. “I love, love, love bondage.”

“Then you’re in the right place,” Caelan replied, smiling back at her.

He turned to Nick. “What’s your experience level with water play?”

“I don’t have a whole lot of experience—just the occasional bathtub adventure,” Nick replied. “Though I did engage in a submersion tank scene once at a BDSM club in Munich,” he added.

That scene had ended almost before it began, but Nick didn’t want to get into a lengthy explanation just then. It was over a decade ago now. He’d been twenty-eight and no novice to the scene, but he hadn’t known his scene partner for more than a few hours.

Within fifteen seconds of submersion, she’d started thrashing and sputtering beneath the water. He’d immediately let her go, and she’d reared up, shouting in German that he’d tried to drown her. Hopefully, this scene wouldn’t be a repeat of that debacle.

“If the two of you were on your own, you would need to bind Sophia while she was already in the water. But since there are two of us,” Caelan said to Nick, “I’ll bind her and hand her down to you. You can go ahead and get in.”

Nick climbed into the tank. The water was warm and came up to his chest.

Caelan lifted Sophia with apparent ease. Nick, at six foot two, was plenty tall, but Caelan was taller and built like a linebacker. He held out his arms as Caelan crouched over the water and handed Sophia down. It was pleasing to hold a naked, bound woman against his chest. Her hair smelled good, like lemons and lavender.

Caelan sat down on the platform and dangled his legs into the water as he reminded Sophia of her hand signal and reiterated safety protocol with Nick. “Since this is just a demo and not an actual scene, it’s a good chance for you to get a feel for your comfort level and breath control,” he said, directing his attention to Sophia. “So I’m going to suggest you remain submerged for as long as you’re comfortable, and then use your hand signal when you’re ready to come up.”

“Works for me,” Sophia said.

Looking to Nick, Caelan added, “You, of course, will instantly lift her out of the water at that point.”

“Got it,” Nick agreed.

He placed his hand over Sophia’s nose and mouth as Caelan had shown him. Then he lowered her until the water closed over her face. Blocking out everyone else around them, Nick kept his focus solely on Sophia. He half expected her to rear up after a few seconds like the girl in Munich, but she remained still, her body relaxed as she floated just beneath the surface.

Nick’s cock tingled, his balls tightening with lust. Again his mind shifted to that dark place without limits or safewords. He held her floating body in one arm, his hand around her ribcage, the other protecting her nose and mouth in the water. He could feel the beat of her heart, a rapid tattoo. Was it excitement? Fear? Both?

As he held his breath along with her, Nick’s heart began to pound, the pressure building in his face. Unable to help it, he opened his mouth and gulped in a lungful of air. How the hell was she staying under for so long?

He glanced up at Caelan, who was watching them intently. “Should I lift her out?” he queried.

Caelan held up a hand. “Not yet. It’s been less than a minute. She’s not at risk.”

Nick looked down at the inert girl. While he was aware a person could safely hold their breath for two minutes or more, this felt like longer. But if the resident pro was okay with it…

Finally, she lifted her bound hands into the air, making the agreed upon signal.

Nick instantly lifted her above the water and removed his hand from her nose and mouth.

Sophia drew in a deep breath as she blinked rapidly. “Wow.” She laughed, shaking her head like a puppy and splashing Nick in the process. “That was fucking awesome. I wish I could have managed it longer.” Her eyes were sparkling, her body trembling.

Watching her excited reaction, Nick experienced a sudden rush of euphoria, as if he’d been submerged along with her. He grinned back at her, his cock tenting his shorts. Apparently, there was more to this girl than he’d first assumed.