Color rose in Sophia’s cheeks—a good sign. “I haven’t personally tried one. I’ve seen them before, though. Definitely not for the claustrophobic.”

“Which you’re not?” Nick asked hopefully.

Sophia shook her head. “Crammed elevators and crowded subways don’t bother me. But then, I’ve never lain between two sheets of latex before and had all the air sucked out of them, so…”

“Well, tonight’s your lucky night,” Nick said with a grin.

He placed his hand over hers and leaned closer, lowering his voice as he stared into her blue-green eyes. “Just imagine, Sophia. Because the latex covers your face, you’ll have to keep your eyes closed. As the air is sucked out, the bed closes down around you, completely immobilizing you. But because the latex is thin and molded to your body, it creates an effect like the skin of a drum. Each caress, every flick of a whip will be magnified by the vibrations across your skin, heightening sensation.”

“Gosh,” Sophia breathed, staring back at him. “How do I breathe?”

“There’s a hole cut in the latex for your mouth. You stick your lips through it before I start the suction process. You’ll be able to make sound and draw in air. But you’ll have a safe signal, too, in case it’s too hard to speak.”

Sophia pushed her empty ice cream bowl away and eased her chair back from the table. She flashed an impish grin. “It’s eight twenty-five. What’re we waiting for?”


The sign on the doorknob was turned to the vacant side. As Nick opened the door, he flicked the sign over to read occupied. Once in the room, he turned on the light.

He looked hot, as always, dressed tonight in black jeans and a simple black T-shirt of thick, soft cotton that strained across his broad shoulders and hugged his nicely rounded biceps. She’d been mildly pissed at him for blowing her off the night before, but she’d decided to take a philosophical approach. The guy was clearly a workaholic but, happily, that wasn’t her problem.

Now, Sophia took in the space. There was a counter at the back with various items set out on it, along with a sink and a small refrigerator. There was a recovery couch set against one wall. But the main attraction was a simple rectangular frame made from PVC pipes set out on a raised platform. A black latex sheet was already stretched taut inside of it, a second, clear sheet resting loosely on top of it. There was a round fitting secured to the bottom pipe, the vacuum hose already attached. The platform stood only about a foot off the ground. A small vacuum pump sat on the floor beside the platform.

Nick headed toward the counter, where he set down his gear bag. Turning back to her, he said, “We’ll do a brief trial run with the vacuum pump, just to make sure you’re okay with this. The sensation can be pretty intense.”

“Have you tried it?” Sophia asked, curious.

“Not this particular one, but I’ve been in a vacuum bed,” Nick replied. “I think it’s important to experience everything I plan to do to my subs. Unless you’ve personally felt the cut of a cane, the stroke of a flogger or, yes, the intense sensation of a vacuum bed, how can you expect someone else to submit to it?”

Sophia tried not to snag on his use of the plural subs. After all, it wasn’t like she wanted an exclusive relationship with the guy.

As she removed her clothing, she thought more about what he’d just said. “It makes sense, the way you put it. Most Doms, at least the ones I’ve met, have no idea what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a whip.”

“Then they’re idiots,” Nick said with a shrug. “Without that knowledge, how can you possibly give your sub the experience they long for?”

Sophia nodded, liking him even more. So many dominant guys in the scene were just about the power and the sexual thrill of taking control. Most of them were people she wouldn’t have had anything to do with if they hadn’t had a gear bag and an erotically sadistic turn of mind. Nick was different. He was mature, confident and sexy, but also self-aware and sensitive to what made his partner tick. It made him not only a much better Dom, but a more compelling person.

Nick’s eyes hooded in a sexy way as they moved over her naked form. Though she wasn’t shy about her body, something in his gaze made the blood rush to her skin, warming her all over. But there was something else there—something more than just physical desire. Was her romantic heart running away with her, or had she seen a flash of real longing in his dark eyes? Not just longing for a hot scene he could have with any sub girl—but desire for a connection with her?