Then the knife was replaced by something soft, wet and warm. It took her a moment to understand it was Nick’s mouth against her sex. His tongue darted and licked. Already wildly aroused from the onslaught of sensation, she teetered on the edge of orgasm. Just when she was about to come, his perfect mouth fell away.

She was left alone in the silence for several agonizing seconds, her body thrumming with the thwarted need for release. Then she felt his weight as he joined her on the table, his warm, strong body over hers. The head of his cock nudged at her entrance. Her cunt spasmed, sucking him inside as she groaned against the inflated gag in her mouth.

The experience was like nothing she had known. She was unable to hear, to see, to speak or to move. Only her pelvis rose to meet his as he pummeled and swiveled inside her. His pubic bone was perfectly angled against her clit, and each thrust sent a deep shudder of raw, dark pleasure through her entire body.

Her brain short-circuited as he drew her toward a powerful climax. She was nothing but a cunt, her entire being fixated on that one part of her anatomy. His body was hot and hard against her, his cock filling her completely. Tears flowed from her covered eyes as she howled against the gag. When a hand circled her throat, the primal gesture sent her over the final precipice. She careened wildly into the most intense orgasm of her life…

The feeling of cool air on her face made Sophia open her eyes. The gag had been removed, as had the plugs and now the blindfold. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. Nick stood beside her, smiling down at her. “You left the planet for a few minutes. You okay?”

She lifted her arms, reaching to pull him down into an embrace. “Yes. Oh, god, yes, Nick.” She rained tiny kisses over his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids until they both were laughing.

Pulling gently away from her, he continued to grin down at her. “I guess that means you liked it, huh?”

She lifted a hand to wipe the happy tears from her eyes. “I fucking loved it. That was the most amazing experience of my life. Will you marry me?”

He took a step back, a look of alarm moving over his face.

She chuckled as she shifted to a sitting position. “Relax,” she said, still chuckling. “That’s just the endorphins talking. I have no designs on your freedom, trust me.”

He smiled, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. Knee-jerk response. Of course I’ll marry you.”

“Wait, what?” Now it was Sophia’s turn to be alarmed.

Nick’s laugh was big and hearty. “Gotcha,” he said, pointing his index finger at her like a weapon. He bent down to retrieve his leather pants from the floor. He had a gorgeous body, muscular and tan. As he pulled the pants back on, he said, “Glad to know we’re on the same page. Pleasure without strings. Intensity without obligation.”

“Exactly,” Sophia agreed, though a part of her wasn’t quite sure what had just happened, or quite how she felt about it.

He helped her from the table and to a standing position. “Let me put some balm on your skin,” he said, moving toward the counter. “Put your hands on your head and stand still.”

Sophia obeyed. He smoothed ointment over her body and then led her to the couch. She perched gingerly on the cushions as he retrieved a bottle of water from the small refrigerator and handed it to her.

Nick glanced at his watch. “We only have the room for a few minutes more. How about we go get showered and changed and meet at the tiki bar in, say, thirty minutes? We can take a walk on the beach—maybe grab a bite of lunch if you want. Unless, of course,” he added quickly, “you had other plans?”

“I’m signed up to attend a sensual yoga class this afternoon, but that’s not until three. I’d love to walk on the beach with you.”

“Great. Then it’s a plan.”

She remained on the couch, sipping her water and basking in the afterglow as Nick wiped down the bondage table, cleaned his toys and put them away in his gear bag. They walked together from the room and down the hall to the elevator bank. She was on the third floor—he on the fourth. As she stepped out of the elevator on her floor, Nick stopped her, pulling her into a quick embrace. He kissed her mouth, his hands moving over her back. She melted against him as the doors closed again.

With a laugh, he let her go. “Sorry,” he said, pushing the button to reopen the sliding doors. “I just had to kiss you. See you in a few.”

“See you,” she managed, trying to reel herself back down to earth, his kiss still burning on her lips. She floated down the hall to her room, unable to stop the goofy grin that spread over her face. This was turning out to be the best vacation ever, and it was only the second day.