I shake my head. “No. Deeper. Somewhere more fortified. He’s gonna be nested up in the lowest rung of hell. As far away from danger as he can get.”
Dima laughs darkly and the two of us venture down the staircase.
A lone fluorescent light flickers at the top landing. As we descend, though, we get swallowed up by musty darkness.
“Should we send the men in?” Dima asks.
I shake my head again. “No. Not yet. They’ll only get in the way.”
We approach a thick metal door. To my surprise, themudaksdidn’t even bother to lock it. Idiots. They deserve everything that’s coming to them.
I kick open the door hard and it careens open on its hinges, screeching wildly until it slams into the side wall. I stride into the room, which is clean and spacious and a hell of a lot nicer than the rest of this dump.
In the center of a huge bed lies a naked mafioso with his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide in shock. Three naked women are curled around his body. One has her hand wrapped around his cock. Another is hanging over him, her nipple inches from his mouth. The third is cowering at the foot of the bed with bruises blooming on her pale skin.
It’s almost exactly the scene I expected to see.
Just the wrong mafioso.
“Gregor Bellasio,” I say, hiding my disappointment behind a piqued eyebrow. “Fancy running into you here.”
The younger Bellasio brother splutters unintelligibly, spittle flying out of his mouth. The women scatter, suddenly very interested in putting some distance between themselves and the target on the bed.
Dima cocks a gun and points it in Gregor’s face. He freezes, halfway propped up on his elbows, his eyes darting back and forth between us. “H-how?” he stammers.
I shrug. “Research.”
Gregor’s eyes narrow. “Does this mean the old man came out of hiding?” he asks. “Benedict swore if he ever did, he’d come straight to us.”
I laugh. “You’re really that fucking dumb, aren’t you?”
He gnashes his teeth, but the effect is undercut by the fear in his eyes. If that wasn’t enough of a giveaway, his dick has shriveled down to the size of a mealworm.
“If Benedict really believed that Archie would come to him, he wouldn’t have set you up here. He needed this place, but where is he?” I cock my head to the side. “Oh, Gregor. You dumb fuck.You’re the decoy.”
“N-no. You’re fucking wrong.”
“Don’t be naïve. He knew this safehouse was a risk because Archie knew about it. He wanted to know the minute Archie decided to resurface, to see which side the old man chose. You’re going to help me clarify a few things for him.”
His eyes are looking a little red and swollen around the edges. “You can’t kill me!”
“You’re the last person alive who gets to tell me what I can and can’t do. Though the ‘alive’ part might not last much longer.”
His prostitutes are in various stages of hysteria. One is sobbing, tears coating her red cheeks. Another looks like she’s about to pass out. The third is shivering violently as though she’s standing naked in a freezer.
“My issue isn’t with you ladies,” I tell them. “I hope he paid you well, but if not, I’m not going to kill you for bad taste. If you step outside and wait quietly, I’ll let you leave without any trouble.”
The brunette is the first one to jump at my offer. She nods, snatches up her clothes from the floor, and runs. After she’s left the room without being shot in the back, the other two find the courage to race out behind her.
“Guess it’s just us then,” I say when they’re gone, pulling out my own gun and dangling it in his direction.
“If you k-kill me, he will come for you,” Gregor warns.
I sigh, already tired of this fool. “That’s kind of the point.”
“It won’t just be you, either!” Gregor exclaims in a last-ditch attempt to buy himself more time. “He’ll come for your fiancée, for your sister, for everyone you love. If you do this, even Celine’s status won’t protect her.”
I smirk and aim. “I’m sure I’ll manage just fine.”