It takes me a minute to get what he said, but still I can’t wrap my head around it. “What?”
He turns to his nightstand and opens the drawer, producing a box before dropping down on one knee in front of me. The absurdity of the situation dawns on me and I start giggling. We are both completely naked and messy, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that this is us.
“Are your sweet giggles a good sign?” I nod as he opens the little black box. I gasp at the size of the diamond.
“Will you marry me, Jeniveve Palmer? Make me the happiest man in the world. With you by my side for all eternity, I’ll really be the king of kings. Be my queen and let me worship you until I take my last breath.” Tears fall unbidden as I nod frantically.
“Yes. I’ll be your queen as long you are my king. We worship together.” He slides the ring on my finger and tosses the box on the bed.
“Thank you,” he growls, lifting me up into his arms. His hard cock hits my pussy and before I know he’s tossed me on the bed and is pounding into me.
“Daddy, please,” I cry out, needing him more than I’ve ever needed anything, including oxygen.
“Daddy’s got you, for the rest of our lives.”
I smile as he leans down and kisses me.
Finally, something has gone right in my life.
“You go get ready and I’ll get your brothers up and fed,” I tell my fiancée after a shower. She goes off into her closet while I go into mine and pull on a suit.
“What did she say?” Julian asks as soon as I walk into their bedroom. They are both up, trying to tie their ties. I sit on the edge of Jason’s bed and beckon them over to me. I show them how to tie their ties. No one ever showed me. I learned online.
“She said yes.”
“To both questions?” Jason asks.
“She sure did.”
“So we’re going to be a family?” he asks quietly.
“We already are buddy. This will just make it official.”
Jason throws his arms around my neck, and I hug him back. These boys are starved for attention from anyone other than Jeniveve.
“Thank you, Jackson,” Julian says, hugging me too.
“We love you,” Jason says.
“I love you guys too. I promise we’re all going to be very happy.” We are about to spend the next two weeks at the lake house I own on Lake Norris. It’s only about two hours from here, but it’ll be the first of many family vacations.
I hear a sniffle and I look up and see Jeniveve leaning against the doorjamb wearing a short black dress with her graduation gown over it, still unzipped.
“We should get going. Don’t want to miss Jeniveve’s big day,” I say, also emotional. More emotional than I thought I’d be.
Together we drive to the stadium at the high school. I kiss her before she goes off with her classmates. The boys and I find seats in the bleachers about ten rows up. After about twenty minutes the ceremony begins. I am surprised to see Jeniveve sitting up on the dais with teachers and her principal.
“Welcome to the graduating class of 2023. We’re going to begin the ceremony by hearing from our valedictorian, Jeniveve Palmer,” the principal says to thunderous applause. I had no fucking idea. My girl is amazing. She somehow managed to become the valedictorian while raising two boys and working three jobs. I am in awe of her. Proud doesn’t even begin to cover it.
“Thank you, Principal Pacer. Good morning! It is my pleasure to welcome students, families, and faculty to graduation day at Brainerd High School. As we sit here today, I know we are all reflecting on the last four years and what they mean to us. I’m not going to bore you with memories of me studying and working my… ass off, because unfortunately none of that matters anymore. As we go off to grander adventures and greener pastures, the last four years won’t be a blip on the radar. So it won’t matter if you were the smartest, the funniest, the most athletic, or the most popular. The real world doesn’t care. I can only hope we are all prepared for what comes next, because it’ll be the people in our lives, the ones that helped us get to here today, that shape us. Our environment turns us into what we become. These four walls will forget us, but our lives will go on, forging ahead into the unknown. Find the people that challenge you and lift you up and cling to them. Triumph together. Advance the human race together. That’s it, that’s really all I have because I, for one, am ready to start the next chapter. Congratulations and good luck.”