“Yeah, Kessler, it really is,” she replied as she walked around the truck, taking it all in, never having seen one before in person. How he had come to own one and kept it secret for so long baffled her.

“I need to pack and make sure I have all my books and herbs,” Sage started, ending the sentence by continuing her mental list silently as she ticked them off on her fingers. Without saying another word to them, she turned and began walking back to her cottage.

“Can we leave soon?” Niamh asked as she walked up to the group, looking between Declan and Kessler.

“The moment everyone in this town is sound asleep in bed, we are gone,” Justin replied, leaning against the truck, and earning narrowed eyes from Kessler that he ignored.

“We will have to push the truck out to be safe. I’ve had to cause a lot of ruckus to cover the noise of testing to make sure it starts.” Kessler popped the hood of the truck, messing with something Bryn couldn’t identify if she tried.

A cool breeze moved around them, giving Bryn a chill that felt like a warning.

It was as if Mother Nature herself was telling them to get a move on.

As Justin had said, they would need to slip out once everyone was tucked away and the guard shifts had changed. That gave them the night to move the truck and...

“The gate?” Bryn turned to Justin. “How will we get past the gate if you are no longer sheriff?”

Justin smiled and looked at Travis.

“Lucky for me, a good friend is on shift and can get them opened up.”

“And you can get down in time to join us?” she asked, not willing to leave any member of their group behind. Travis nodded but said nothing else.

Did this mean if they left soon, she could save him from the death she saw in the vision? What was even the point of seeing such things if there was nothing she could do to stop it? Being the Morrigan must give her some power to take control of the future.

They knew from speaking to Danu that the wraiths were after them since the king had felt their awakening.

If they left tonight, maybe Travis wouldn’t have to die, and neither would the people of the town. At least that was what Bryn was hoping for. Not everyone who walked these roads was guilty. She couldn’t bear the thought of innocent children caught up in this.

Bryn wished she could show up and leave without a trace like Danu. To just pop in and out of places without a soul being aware. That would have been a handy power to have in their escape.

Kessler shut the hood, taking the bags already brought in and throwing them into the back of the truck, organizing them as everyone remained silent.

“It’ll be tight, but we can make do. We can bring the tarp to make a cover for the back, but let’s make sure we have what we need.”

Declan walked over, taking Bryn’s small leather bag, not saying a word about the fact that she had so much less baggage than the others.

Sage walked back toward them as Niamh placed her bags on the floor. Sage’s luggage, much like Bryn’s, was worn with age.

Niamh’s looked like a princess going on a royal tour. Bryn shot a smirk at Niamh who replied back with one of her saucy looks.

“I’ve waited years to leave this gods forsaken spot in the sand.” Niamh smiled.

“Could’ve left whenever,” Travis responded as he tucked his own gear into the truck, keeping his pistol on hand and rifle slung across his back.

“No, I couldn’t...” Niamh gave a tender look at Bryn. Mush. That was the feeling deep within her at that look.

Niamh was what her mother should have been to her. A protector and nurturer. Something that Bryn doubted came naturally to the woman, but she somehow managed to do it with Bryn, and she could never repay her.

“Where are we headed?” Travis asked, checking over his bag.

“Ultimate goal? North and as far away from Drystan and the king as possible. Maybe the wraiths will stay focused on the area nearest the coast, giving us time to get Bryn to Cethin and see what we can find out about her mother. Hit Tanwen along the way for supplies and plan our next step from there,” Declan said with authority.

Bryn watched as Kessler threw the tarp over the back of the truck with their gear tucked away, leaving a few open spots for them to sit in the back since the cab only held three people. Justin, Travis, and Caden were already offering to sit in the back of the truck to take care of any “issues” before they became problems while traveling.

“That’s about it. Finish packing what you need and get your asses back here as soon as possible. We will set out as soon as Travis is on shift to get the gate open for us.” Justin nodded to each of them as he moved to help Kessler grab the bricks next to the tires that had kept the truck from rolling.

“Leaving right now would be a hell of a lot better,” Declan muttered, earning a look from Justin.