The wraith slammed the sword into Declan’s chest just as it had done Travis.

Caden went into shock, Jace grabbing him and pulling him back as Niamh moved in on the wraith.

Justin got a knife through the throat, gurgling as the wraith pulled it out, before exploding as Callum blasted Justin’s killer apart.

Sage screamed as Jace yelled to Kessler who was surrounded by wraiths himself, trying to break through.

Bryn hadn’t realized she was still half in the veil, her body sluggish. Something was tethering her, holding her back, and she was fighting through it, but her efforts were as good as struggling against quicksand.

Falling to her knees, Bryn hunched over, something in her tearing at her skin. The itch now a searing pain shooting lightning through her head.

Her fingers dug into the sand as she moved back fully into her world.

Jace ran past with Kessler on his tail, Sage having taken over caring for Caden and moving him toward where the truck was next to the gate. Caden, who was holding the bloody stump where his hand should have been, not aware of what was happening around him, was just going where he was told. His olive skin was pale with shock.

Her world was tearing at the seams.

Looking up, Kian was faint, but there.

“I can’t save them.” Her voice broke with the words.

“I thought you were stronger than this,” he whispered into her mind.

Her hands fisted in the sand, her tears falling faster, running through the blood on her face.

A slice to her shoulder, a stabbing in her back, the wraiths were trying to finish her as Niamh held them off.

“You win,” she whispered to herself, letting that latent part of her mind that fought against the cage she tried to put it in. The door she had closed long ago, the predator that moved closer and closer to the surface by the day... she had shackled it. Now, she opened the door wide, releasing the chains, and let the beast out.

Pushing herself up to stand, she fisted her hands and released a bone-chilling scream that was completely inhuman. Releasing her power in a call to the universe.

And death answered.

Chapter 47

Pushingopentheveil,Bryn brought her army into her world from Faerie.

Arms opened wide as Senan, the crows, and the silver and black wolves followed by the pack escaped into her realm running past her down Saints’ Road toward the wraiths before pulling back. They moved to her side as she closed the veil.

Nothing would get into Faerie while she stood between the enemy and their only place of respite.

Lowering her arms, her dagger still in hand, her empty hand went out to the silver wolf who stood at her side near the black wolf, the pack at their backs.

The silver wolf tried to push into her hand so she could run her fingers through his fur, but her hand went through him just as it did Kian.

The wolf wasn’t solid in her world, and just like Kian, it was a shadow of itself on the mortal plane. Turning to look at her army, she took stock of each animal.

Senan was real enough, the black wolf from Faerie was, too, but the wolf pack and crows were the same as the silver wolf.


How could they fight the wraiths?

The silver wolf looked up to her with sadness in its eyes as it attempted to nudge her hand once more before turning away from her. It felt so much like a goodbye that she didn’t understand.

“Wait. . .,” she whispered as it moved forward toward the chaos.

“Just wait!” she yelled as the silver wolf took off toward Kian, who stood, bracing himself with furrowed eyebrows of confusion as the wolf aimed its body at him like a missile.