And just like that Otto is halfway across the yard and scooping a little boy into his arms before kissing Fallon on the cheek.
If I’ve learned anything in my life, it’s that I always land in places on purpose. Without a doubt, this stop in Clementine Creek is meant to show me that the kind of love you dream about can be a living, breathing reality, because as I look around—it’s everywhere.
“So are you gonna go talk to her or should I?” Miss Thelma asks before stabbing a bite of potato salad and popping it into her mouth.
“Don’t rush me, woman.”
Her bony elbow connects with my ribs, and I don’t even have to fake theoofthat escapes my lips. She snickers and takes another bite.
“She’s not here long, and I told you I’m tryin’ to maybe find someone who might be interested in something a little more lasting.”
“Want me to introduce you to a couple of the granddaughters of the ladies I play bridge with?”
“No, that’s okay. Also why is everyone so focused on hookin’ me up. Why not Sorren? He’s single.”
She snorts and it’s so unladylike my eyes widen. She rolls hers and says, “Have you seen that boy? Man is workin’ on his own time. Besides, once he pulls his head out of his you-know-what he’ll be right as rain.”
“I don’t even know how to respond to that.”
She points her fork at me. “Which is why we’re focusin’ on you and not him.”
“Because I need help gettin’ a date?”
“Because you need help finding forever.” I look heavenward and am about to retort when Hank’s voice sounds above the crowd.
“Can I have everyone’s attention?” His big paw of a hand is holding Isla’s and I can’t tell from here which one is squeezing harder.
Mama gasps and clutches her hand to her chest as I hear my father whisper, “They haven’t said anything yet.”
Mama’s smile is a mile wide as they both turn their attention back to my brother. Hank rubs the back of his neck with his hand, and I swear he’s blushing. My head tilts to the side because I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that before. My gaze locks with Otto’s and his eyes widen to comic proportions and I snicker.
“Isla and I would like to share that we,”—he clears his throat—“well,sheis having our babies.”
“Babies?!” Mama cries as she rushes over to Hank and Isla, who does appear to be glowing now that I’m actually looking. “How many babies?”
“Three,” Isla says with a mock death glare at her husband and whoops and hollers go around as everyone processes this news. “THREE!” she shrieks as her father pulls her into a tight hug.
Isla carries herself so well, but she’s gotta be freaking out at the possibility of having three boys just like us to wrangle. I look at my twin and smile. Mama did just fine—I know my sister-in-law will too.
Otto catches up to me as I make my way to the happy couple. “Can you believe he had to outdo our perfection?”
“That’s what I was thinking. What an overachiever!” I make sure I yell the last part so Hank can hear it. He glares but his mouth is doing that smile thing that still freaks me out as much as it makes me happy.
The oldest of the Thayer siblings deserves so much happiness, and now he has it—times three. I can’t stop the rush of emotion as I come face-to-face with my brother. I don’t care that my eyes are glassy with tears as I wrap my arms around him in a fierce hug.
“Proud of you,” I whisper.
“Thanks.” He thumps my back with his hand, and dammit, he’s blinkin’ just as fast as I am when he pulls away.
Following the crowd, I wait my turn and then pull Isla into a careful hug. I can’t remember if I’ve ever hugged a pregnant lady and I don’t want to mess this up. She hugs me tighter and laughs.
“Hug me, you weirdo.”
“I don’t want to squish your offspring.”