Page 92 of Playing it Country

“So you weren’t kidding last night when you told me you love me?” My brows shoot up in surprise.

“I didn’t think you were awake.”

“Are you trying to take it back?” she teases before kissing me again and nipping my bottom lip with her teeth. “Because you can’t. I licked you—you’re mine.”

I throw my head back and laugh because this girl—she’s everything I wasn’t ready for. I’ve come alive since she’s been in Clementine Creek—I’ve becomemeagain.

“I love you, Hannah.”

“I love you too, Stud.”

“I got you something. Wanna see?”

“It better not be a ring—we’re not ready for rings and vows and fancy dresses no one will wear again.”

“Honestly, that sounds nothing like us.” I give her a chaste kiss. “When wedoget married it will be what we want and everything else be damned.”

“You say the sweetest things.” She smirks. “So what did you get me? You know I love surprises.”

Her hips rock into mine the slightest bit and I chuckle. “Not that.” Giving her a wolfish grin, I say, “At least not yet. Let’s grab the coffees.”

Her hand slips down to hold mine and we grab the coffees and pastries before turning back toward the door I just left. Hannah gives me a quizzical look as I hold open the door for her to go inside.

Sorren looks up and sighs again. “Hey Hannah.”

“Hey, Sorren, what is…”

“I’ll just leave you two to do whatever it is you’re going to do but,”—he points a finger at me—“don’t fuck up my paint job. That wall is wet.” He motions behind him and I nod.

“Noted. And thanks. I’ll let you know when we’re out of here.” Giving us a wave over his shoulder, Sorren leaves Hannah and me alone, and my heart starts hammering for an entirely different reason than the last time I was standing here.

“I love the color,” she says after a minute, and I roll my lips inward to temper my smile.

“It’s called Seductive Dove.”Her brow quirks up and I clear my throat.

“It’s yours.”

“What’s mine?”

“It’s your bookstore.”

“My…” Her mouth drops open and she looks around the space in shock at half-painted walls, floors covered with drop cloths, and stacks of stained wood that will be custom bookcases pushed to one side of the space. “You made me a bookstore?”

“I wanted to give you something to make you stay,” I say quietly.

Hannah turns on me with offense written all over her face before she smacks me in the arm.

“Ow, what was—”

“Case Sebastian Thayer, a girl does not simply stay for a bookstore.” She steps into me and brushes her lips against mine. “She stays for the man that gave it to her.”

“I’ll give you the world,” I say.

“I’ve already seen the world. I just want you.”

“Consider it done.”