Page 52 of Playing it Country

HANNAH: Also you’re welcome (kiss face emoji)

HANNAH: So you’ll fix the sink?

CASE: Yeah, I’ll fix the sink

It takes longerthan expected to get home from work after Bodhi and Mason took a wrong turn coming back from picking up materials and ended up thirty minutes south of Clementine Creek. Wasn’t great but could have been worse—and it’s not like Otto and I don’t have a million stories like that anyway.

The guys felt bad enough about the mix-up, like one mistake would cost them the small amount of stability we’ve provided them. The thought gives me pause and I fire off a text to Otto.

CASE: I think it’s time we bring Bodhi and Mason to meet Mama.

OTTO: Yeah they could probably use a hug and someone to fuss over them

CASE: Exactly

OTTO: I’ll talk to Mama now. I have to grab Briggs from there anyway. Dad took him fishing after school

CASE: Kid has it made

OTTO: You’re not kidding.

CASE: Tell Mama I’ll take care of the meat—I wanna use that spice rub Rhea got me

OTTO: She gives the best presents

CASE: She really does

Setting my phone aside,I mentally start going through my to-do list for the gathering at my parents’ that’s yet to be verified. The faucet drips in time with my thoughts, and I start pulling open drawers looking for something to help me fix it without having to go into the garage.

I’m just about to abandon my search when something pink catches my eye. I shouldn’t look—I really shouldn’t—but curiosity and all that get the better of me and I slowly slide the drawer open.

A small vibrator stares back at me, and I can’t stop the smile that takes over my face. It’s not one of thebigones but a smaller one for clit stimulation. I’d admit that I recognize the toy from the sex shop the next town over, but that makes me feel like a perv, so instead I do the next best thing and pull out the charging cord.

Hannah’s been holding out on me and what better way to get us both off than to make sure this hot pink massager is ready to go. Satisfied with my plan, I plug the charger into the wall and then connect the cord to the vibrator.

Buzz, buzz, buzzzz….

Oh shit.

The damn thing turning on is so unexpected it jumps out of my hand and bounces around the sink, which only makes the buzzing louder.

“Dammit!” I grumble as I pick it up and hold down the discreet power button.

Nothing happens and I start to sweat. I turn it over in my hand while still trying to will it to stop.

It doesn’t.

Unplugging it completely from the charger and the wall, I shuffle from foot to foot as I try to think of the best way to explain this when Hannah gets home.

“You get started without me, Stud?” I jump at the sound of her voice and launch the damn thing over the top of the curtain rod and into the shower. It’s worse—so much worse as it buzzes and rattles around the basin, the whole thing monumentally louder than it had been in my hand.

“Umm…” I say because there’s literally nothing I can say to make this better. “I thought I was helpin’ if you can believe it.”

“You are selfless,” she says as she moves the curtain back and doesn’t hide her amusement as we both watch the little pink nightmare bustle around on its own. “I’ve been meaning to replace that one. Faulty if you can believe it.”

“I believe it,” I say on a swallow because even though I’m embarrassed, I’m also turned on at the fact that she’s used it so much she needs to replace it.

Picking it up, she tosses it from hand to hand before getting a sly grin on her face. “I’d hate to waste it.” Her eyes drop to the bulge in my pants. “Take ’em off.”