I pull my phone out and sure as shit there’s, like, five videos of Sorren around Clementine Creek just being himself. I pick my favorite and send it to Otto to upload.
“I even tried one of thoseslow motionones. Man certainly knows how to work a camera.”
“I can’t with you.” I laugh and she scoffs.
“I’m old, not dead. It’s my God-given right to be able to admire men who aren’t interested in takin’ me to the early bird special and needin’ a little help in the bedroom department if you know what I mean.” She raises an eyebrow and I chuckle.
“You saucy minx.” She blushes and I hand her the flowers I’m still holding. “I’m the best looking though, right? Of all those young strapping men you’re ogling?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” She chuckles.
“I never turn down an ego boost.”
“I heard that about you.” I snort and she’s grinnin’ like a loon because even if I’m not her favorite—which I totally am—she’s definitely mine. “And I heard I don’t have to keep sending ladies to your doorstep. Thank the good Lord.”
“To be clear,” I say pointedly, “you didn’t have to do thatat all.”
“What kind of busybody would I be if I didn’t meddle at least a little bit now and then?”
“The kind that wasn’t tryin’ to give me gray hairs.”
She fluffs her hair to highlight her own matured look and cocks an eyebrow. “You’ll look mighty handsome as a silver fox.”
“Obviously,” I agree, “but also let’s put that off for a good fifteen maybe twenty years, okay?”
“You’re such a spoilsport.” She huffs but it’s all in jest.
Leaning forward, I kiss her cheek. “You have a good day, Miss Thelma.”
“Same to you, Case, same to you.”
I’m halfway to my truck when I call back, “I’m tellin’ everyone I’m the best looking and your favorite.” She cackles and waves the flowers at me before turning to go inside.
My phone buzzes in my hand, and I look down expecting to see a message from Otto but it’s from Hannah.
HANNAH: The sink in my bathroom is leaking again
CASE: I told you to use mine
CASE: Also if you’re going to deliver bad news can you at least send me a pic to lessen the blow?
HANNAH: What’s that about blowing?
HANNAH: (mirror selfie wearing sports bra and running shorts)
HANNAH: It feels very domestic to use your bathroom
HANNAH: Plus I didn’t want to subject you to all my hair products
CASE: You had no problem using it last night after I fucked you
HANNAH: That’s different
CASE: Is it? Also what the hell, I pulled one of your hairs off my arm already today—I showered this morning too!
CASE: How do girls do that?
HANNAH: Magic.