Nodding, I say, “We offer discounts for maintenance and refreshing the plants and flowers depending on what they choose.”
“That’s a pretty unique approach.” I shrug.
“We take pride in what we do, and I think it’s a nice incentive to help people keep their homes or storefronts looking fresh.”
“You are a man with many layers, Stud.”
I open my mouth to respond but end up closing it instead. Hannah tilts her head to the side as she watches me. Dark blue eyes scrutinize my face, and I hate the way I feel so raw and exposed.
“You don’t think so? Or no one has ever taken the time to look?”
“You can’t see what’s not there.”
She stares at me a moment and then drops her hand from my arm and continues walking. I’m thankful for the reprieve, and once again want to kick myself for the admission. I hate that she sees me and that she isn’t staying. It figures the first person I let my walls down for is more temporary than any of my past relationships.
Dragging my hands over my face, I take a breath and then follow her farther into the orchard.
True to his word, living with Case had been relatively easy. He was considerate, and on the days he was home, he often cooked for both of us even though I told him he didn’t have to.
He’d been initially closed off following our trip through the orchard, and I hated that I’d done that. While still fun and playful, I learned quickly that Case was more than just the good-time guy—hewantedto be more.
I was startled to find that I wanted to be the one to give that to him, but without ever having put down roots…I couldn’t be the one to break him. We joked and teased and flirted constantly, but he’d made his line in the sand, and I was working overtime to respect that.
Being in Case’s orbit means I’m halfway to hot and bothered just by looking at him. He’s this perfect mix of soulful and mischievous that makes me want to climb his stupidly sexy body all hours of the day and night.
Arguably, I could go out and find some nice guy looking for a night with no strings attached, but for some unknown reason, it feelswrong.Pseudo fake dating aside—I don’twantto be with anyone else, and my vibrator is definitely getting a workout because of it.
Dressed in my running clothes, I open my bedroom door and pad down the hall to where Case is putzing around the kitchen.
“I grabbed some more of that coffee creamer you like when I went to the store yesterday,” I say as he pulls the bottle from the fridge.
“Thanks. I haven’t had a chance—” he starts as he turns to face me then quickly turns back around. “Where the hell are your clothes?”
Looking down at my sports bra and shorts, I sigh as I put my hand on my hip.
“Iamdressed. I’m going for a run.”
“But where is your shirt?” Case scrubs his hands over his face without looking at me.
“Are we really going to fight about this?”
“We’re not fightin’. I just can’t talk to you in nothin’ but a bra.”
“It’s cute though; it’s pink with these straps in the back that cross and—”
“Sweet Jesus, please stop,” he groans, and I can’t help but poke the bear a little more. He’s grouchy this morning, and I don’t think it has anything to do with his lack of caffeine.
“Case, this is less revealing than the swimsuit I have.”
“Can I just have this one thing? Please?” He’s talking to the ceiling, and on a grumble, I march back to my bedroom and pull on a tank top before stomping back out. The words “Sunny Side Up” stretch across my boobs in white lettering with “Deer Lake, Tennessee” in smaller print underneath.
I had to buy it at the little diner I stumbled upon on the way to Clementine Creek. It was charming and homey with a spitfire woman named Linda running the place. A total throwback to the 1950s, dishing up all the town gossip and a patty melt that I’m still dreaming about.