My feet falter just the slightest, but she knows she hit her mark and throws her head back and laughs.
“You’re vicious.”
“He’s a good guy. Happier than Otto if you can believe it. Gets his tractor or some other piece of farming equipment stuck at least once a month. Seriously, no one knows how. Runs his family farm here in Blackstone.”
“Single?” Her voice is teasing but I can’t stop myself from pulling her a little tighter against me.
“Yes,” I say through gritted teeth.
“Oh Case, you’re too easy.”
There’s a joke in there somewhere but I can’t find it, because the moment the words leave her lips she rocks against my erection and gasps. I feel that breathy feminine soundeverywhere.My entire body is lit up like a damn Christmas tree from that one noise alone.
“Hannah!” my sister yells, and I take a step back and suck in a much-needed breath. “Hey, I owe you a drink.” Rhea pops up and pecks me on the cheek. “Hey baby brother.”
“Hey Rhea.” I pull her in for a side hug. “I left some of your cards at this hardware store I went to today. One of their employees is retiring, and they were lookin’ to do a brunch or something.”
“Oh my gosh! I just got an email from them right before I left the shop tonight.” She squeals and does a little dance. “I sent them a couple of menu options and some bigger priced cakes so fingers crossed!”
“Well, they’re gonna love whatever you make.”
“You’re such a sweet talker,” Rhea says but she throws a wink at Hannah as she steps out of my hold.
Grabbing her hand, I squeeze it and say, “You work so damn hard and I’m proud of you. So hell yeah, I’ll shout your praises from the rooftops.”
She blushes and her eyes get glassy before she throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tight. “I love you, you big goof.”
“Love you more,” I whisper back and smile as she wipes a single tear from her cheek before turning back to Hannah and holding out her hand.
“Now I definitely need a drink.”
“Thanks for the dance, Stud.”
I watch her walk away and admire how the fabric of her dress hugs her curves just right. Even fully clothed, I can tell her body is insane, and the old me would give anything for an all-access pass to that wonderland. The new me is weeping at a missed opportunity and silently cursing for having a new and long-term plan for happiness.
On a sigh, I pull out my phone.
CASE: Are you good?
I only sendthe message to him, but when the reply comes, it comes back in the group message.
SORREN: For the love of all that is holy in the state of Tennessee I AM FINE
OTTO: Aww look he used caps
WAYLON: Don’t be mad because we miss you
HANK: I can’t believe you left me here like this. Who else can I stand and look broody with?
SORREN: Seriously what happened to you?
OTTO: I spit out my beer reading that
OTTO: (gif of guy laughing and spitting drink everywhere)