Hayden came out to me when we were teenagers, but the buildup was different—probably because therewasa buildup.
Hayden had been just as sure of himself back then as he is now, and I always admired that. He’s unapologetically himself, and maybe I’ve been a little envious of him for that all these years.
He’s been single since the breakup, and I liked the idea of traveling parallel to him as we both worked on ourselves. I didn’t feel rushed, and I liked the idea of him unknowingly waiting for me to be ready.
But then he met Jonah a few weeks before my birthday this year, and the switch flipped. I didn’t want to just protect his body and heart anymore. I wanted to adore him, worship him, and love him until there’s never any doubt we belong together.
The thought makes me smile, almost as much as the way my body comes alive when he’s near. Looking over my shoulder, I see Hayden walking across the lawn, his worry turning to relief as our eyes meet.
“I…” He swallows and his gaze drops to my lips before sliding back up. “I missed you.”
* * *
I feelEverett’s gaze on me as I dance with Harper and some of the other people from the hospital, and he’s not even trying to hide it.
“Good Lord, y’all are throwin’ off some serious sexual tension.” Harper fans her face dramatically, and mine turns a deeper shade of red than his wink caused.
“Stop that,” I snap, but it only makes her laugh. “Seriously, I’m in crisis here.”
“No, you’re not.” I’m really not—at least not a major one. “Man, he’s lookin’ at you like you’re a snack.” She puts extra emphasis on the wordsnack,and I barely stop myself from turning to look at him.
“It’s a lot, you know?” Blowing out a breath, I gather my thoughts while still trying to make sure Everett can see how good my ass looks in these pants because I’m apparently shameless. “I have to change my mindset on our entire friendship. Years of having no chance and now he’s like, BAM, let’s get naked.”
Harper’s expression softens. “You just need to tell him you need to go slow. I mean, that is, if you want to be with him?”
“Of course, I want to be with him,” I all but snap and spin to look at where he was standing by the bar, but he’s gone. Somewhere between dancin’ to “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé and “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard, he left, and I swallow down the unreasonable surge of panic.
Harper grins and then pulls me in for a hug. “Well, then, go get your man, and we’ll see you in the morning for breakfast before our flight leaves.”
“Are you—”
“Go.” She kisses my cheek. “I’d check outside if I were you.” I hug her one last time before squaring my shoulders and walking through the mostly inebriated crowd.
Following Harper’s instructions, I spot Everett standing on the lawn with his face tilted toward the sky. He looks so beautiful, so at peace, that my chest aches at the sight of him.
Like he knows I’m there, he looks over his shoulder and smiles at me, and I don’t want to be apart from him for another second.
“I…I missed you.”
“I didn’t go far.”
“Ev, I—” The words get lodged in my throat because it’s not justnow. I’ve missed him for so long, and I didn’t even know he was right in front of me.
An old white oak tree casts shadows over the lawn, and I walk Everett until his back collides with the trunk.
He grunts, and I swallow whatever else he was about to say as my mouth crashes over his. Arms wrapped around his neck, I fit my body against him so there’s no space—no doubt—about what I want in this moment.
Everett moans as one arm wraps around my waist and the other grips the back of my neck. He holds me in place as he slants his lips over mine to deepen the kiss, his tongue battling for control against mine.
My hips grind against his as his hand slides down to cup my ass. Everett pulls me tighter against his erection, and I gasp because I need more, want more, maybe everything with this man.
“One bed,” I croak out.
Everett pulls back, his expression a mix of lust and confusion. “What?”