“Today! He left work to come home and wow was it good. Plus,”—this time I’m the one lowering my voice—“he said he’s ready so…”
Harper squeals and claps and does this foot shuffle thing while still sitting. I blush and press my palms to my cheeks, but I can’t stop my smile.
“Is it weird I’m nervous? Like really nervous.”
“Of course not! This is a big step for y’all, and I’m sure you’re feelin’ extra pressure because it’s his first time. Don’t you worry; it’s going to be amazing. At the wedding there was no mistaking the chemistry y’all have.”
And it’s only gotten hotter, but I don’t say that. My body is on high alert right now, and I inwardly groan because heknewwhat he was doing to me. My phone buzzes on the desk, and Harper smirks before turning to her own computer.
EVERETT: How’s work, baby?
HAYDEN: Uncomfortable.
EVERETT: I thought I took care of that already
My belly flipsas the memory of him on his knees, wearing coveralls with the sleeves rolled up, assaults my brain.
HAYDEN: You know you got me riled up again before you left
EVERETT: Just want you eager
HAYDEN: Never a problem when it comes to you
EVERETT: Can’t say I’ll ever get tired of hearing that
HAYDEN: You make it easy.
EVERETT: I’ll see you soon, baby. Love you.
HAYDEN: Love you too.
“Yeah?” I look up and meet Harper’s gaze. “I’m really happy you’re happy.”
“Me too.” We share a smile and then turn back to our respective work. Only six hours separates me from a few days off with my sexy mechanic.
I’ve barely taken a step in the door before Hayden is all over me. He growls as his tongue dives into my mouth and his hands fist my shirt. Dropping my bag on the hardwood, I kick the door closed with my foot and then back him into the kitchen. He grunts when he collides with the island, and I grip his ass and lift him to sit on top of the custom wood top.
“Missed you,” he moans, and my lips twitch where they’re pressed against his.
“It’s only been a few hours.” I chuckle and he pulls back with a raised eyebrow.
“I told you I’m a selfish lover.” That makes me laugh harder because Hayden always gives as good as he gets. His enthusiasm is unparalleled, and I’m hard just thinking about it.
“It’s cute.” My nose rubs against his as his legs wrap around my waist and pull me flush against him.
“I don’t want to be cute,” he whines, and I can’t help the belly laugh that echoes around the kitchen.
“Well, you are.” He scowls and I grin. “I’d love a shower and to grab something to eat, then I’m all yours.” His hands skate under my shirt and over the bare skin of my stomach.
“My cock doesn’t count as something to eat?” I snort and then groan as his hand moves down to cup my shaft through my jeans.
“I promise I’ll make it worth your while once I’m showered and fed.”