She was surprised to notice, once she’d blinked the sleep out of her eyes, that she didn’t have any missed calls or replies to her message. Emelia frowned and checked the time again. Whether or not TJ had seen her message, they were supposed to meet for dinner at five thirty. On any other day, he would have sent her at least a few messages.

Emelia sat up and dialed TJ’s number, but it went straight to voicemail. He must have turned his phone off. Sighing, she got up and grabbed a light sweater to fend off the evening chill. She would just go to his room. TJ would probably be expecting her for dinner anyway. Maybe he’d just lost track of time studying or watching something.

She crossed the campus to TJ’s dorm, rehearsing what she planned to say over and over in her head.TJ, I have to talk to you. I know this is going to be a surprise. It surprised me too. I’m pregnant.

Emelia shook her head. It wasn’t quite right. Why weren’t there any classes on how to have this kind of conversation?

Finally, she arrived at TJ’s dorm and headed up the stairs to his room. When she got there, she saw that his door was slightly open. She grinned. He had probably gotten distracted, but had left the door open for her like he sometimes did.

Emelia’s heart starting to race in anticipation. After not seeing each other all day, TJ would gather her into a hug, which was exactly what she needed right now. It was going to be hard to figure out what to do next, but they would. Together. She suddenly felt very sure of that.

She crossed to his room and pushed the door open. As soon as it swung open, her heart sank. TJ’s room was empty. Not just of TJ, but of all his things. The sheets were gone from the bed, leaving just the standard-issue white mattress. His books were gone from the desk. His microwave and mini fridge has disappeared. Even his wardrobe was open, showing empty hangers and bare shelves.

For a moment, she wondered if she had the wrong room. But no, that was TJ’s window and the floor where they’d spent so much time studying and drinking hot chocolate. Emelia stepped inside and caught sight of a piece of paper on the desk. She rushed to it, hoping that this would explain everything. Maybe TJ had switched rooms for some reason and this note would tell her his new room number. It didn’t make much sense, but Emelia was desperate for any explanation.

She unfolded the note quickly, her hands shaking, and started to read.

Dear Em,

I’m so sorry. I have to go. Please don’t forget that I love you.



Emelia sank slowly to the floor, rereading the message over and over in case there was some hidden meaning. TJ’s handwriting was rushed, like he’d written this note in a few seconds. Where had he gone so quickly? And it was just a few days before final exams. Was he just going to miss them?

More importantly, how was she going to tell him about the baby now?

As she sat there on the cold wooden floor, the note in her hands, she felt her heart harden. TJ was just like all the foster families who had promised that they would take care of her and then sent her away. No, he was worse. He’d told her that he loved her and then left without saying goodbye. He’d abandoned her and their child.

“I promise, I’m never going to let this happen again,” she whispered to her baby, resting a hand on her stomach. “I’m going to protect you. I’m never going to hurt you. And I’ll never let anyone else hurt you, either.”

Emelia knew that TJ must have had a good reason for leaving. Probably those secrets had caught up with him. But there was no reason to leave without saying goodbye.

She stood, tucking the note into her pocket, and took one last look around the room. She felt like her heart was breaking. But she also knew that she needed to be strong. It wasn’t just about her now.

Emelia left TJ’s empty room. She didn’t look back.





Emelia turned to see her son, still wearing his airplane pajamas, clopping down the hall in a series of hops and jumps. Her heart filled with warmth at the sight of him, as it always did. Owen, five years old but keenly aware of his approaching sixth birthday, had TJ’s big brown eyes with Emelia’s gold flecks, TJ’s messy curls, and Emelia’s button nose. He was an adorable child, even now when he was going to make both of them late.

“Owen,” Emelia said gently, crossing to her son and smoothing a hand over his curls. “I thought I told you to get dressed. We need to be out the door in ten minutes.”

“But Mom,” Owen said, sticking out his lip, “I can’t find my green T-shirt with the airplane.”

Emelia took her son by the hand, leading him back towards his bedroom. “How about you wear a different shirt today?” she suggested.

“I don’t like my other shirts,” Owen said sadly. “I like the green one.” He blinked up at Emelia, showing off his long lashes.

Trying to hide a smile, Emelia squeezed his hand. “I’m sure we can find another good shirt.”