“I’m getting to that.” Tariq took Emelia’s hand again, leading her along a lit path past the palm trees. “Then you had Owen. He’s the greatest kid ever, which is thanks to you. You’re the best mother anyone could wish for. I’ll never stop being impressed by how you raised a child and worked so many jobs to support the two of you.”

Tariq stopped and Emelia realized that they were standing in the rose garden where they’d kissed after so many years. Her mouth fell open as Tariq took her other hand, sinking down to one knee. With a brief shuffle, he pulled a small box out of his hoodie’s pocket and opened it. Inside was an ornate ring with a glittering emerald at the center.

“I know it isn’t traditional,” Tariq said, “but the emerald matches your eyes perfectly.”

“Forget tradition,” Emelia said, echoing Maryam. She felt so light and happy that she could easily have floated up into the starry sky above them. Could this really be happening? Just hours ago, she’d planned to leave Al Salyah forever, and now Tariq was offering her acceptance like she’d never known before. “Is there something you wanted to ask me?”

“There is.” Tariq cleared his throat and Emelia noticed that he was nervous. Her heart went out to him. “So, Emelia Marie Parker, would you do me the honor of being not only the love of my life and the mother of my child, but also my wife?”

Emelia could hardly get the answer out fast enough. “Yes! Of course!”

Tariq slid the ring onto her finger, where it fit perfectly, and then she was holding his hands again and pulling him up into another earth-shaking, breath-catching, life-changing kiss.

Just like before, the kiss sent waves of happiness through Emelia’s whole body. Just like before, the kiss was as familiar as it was thrilling. But this time, the kiss also held the promise of a whole life to be spent together.



Emelia smoothed her hair, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement wash through her. Her dress was white and long, with traditional Al Salyan embroidery along the hem and sleeves. It was, as Noora had commented that morning, like the dress of a fairy-tale princess. Emelia couldn’t help but agree.

“Are you ready?” Maryam asked. Emelia glanced over at her soon-to-be mother-in-law, who was wearing a beautiful green dress and had allowed the palace’s stylists to weave her hair into a stunning updo.


“I’m so happy for the both of you.” Maryam reached out and squeezed Emelia’s hand. “I thank my lucky stars every day that Tariq finally introduced us. I always wanted a daughter. And grandchildren.”

“I’m so happy that he did, too,” Emelia agreed. “Can you believe that it was only six months ago?”

“Not at all. If my darling son hadn’t taken his sweet time telling me about you, it could have been six years ago!”

Both women laughed softly. They still liked to tease Tariq about his choice to keep Emelia and Owen secret. With the benefit of time, Emelia could see that he had been trying to do the right thing, even though she didn’t agree with his choices. He’d had a point: at the press conference where he’d introduced his fiancée and son, there had certainly been surprise and upset. A few of the more traditional members of society had been very concerned about ‘what the country was coming to.’

It had all blown over, though. Within a week or so, Al Salyah’s most popular news network had done a segment on Emelia and Tariq’s love story, complete with pictures of them now and back in college. That story had won over almost all of the traditionalists. The last few were won over when Emelia had started working by Tariq’s side, focusing on children’s rights, education, and fusing Al Salyan tradition with modern development.

“Mommy, is it time?” Owen appeared in the door of the dressing room, clutching a pillow with two rings on it. He was wearing a small suit that he’d complained about, until Tariq had surprised him with an airplane tie to match. Then Owen had announced that Tariq was the world’s best dad and had insisted on wearing the tie every day until the wedding to practice.

“I think so,” Emelia agreed. She couldn’t believe that it was true. Today, she and Tariq were finally going to have the wedding that had been seven years in the making. Their marriage would confirm what she already knew: that Emelia had a family. Tariq loved her as deeply and strongly as she loved him. Owen was thriving under the attention of his parents and grandmother. And Maryam had welcomed Emelia and Owen into her family as though she’d been waiting for them all this time.

“It is,” Maryam agreed, checking the clock on the wall. “Owen, Habibi, why don’t you go find Hamid?”

“Okay!” Owen ran off, little legs kicking, towards the garden. Emelia and Maryam followed more sedately, Maryam looking around to make sure Tariq didn’t pop up unexpectedly and see Emelia’s dress too soon.

A few minutes later, they were hidden behind a screen, taking turns peering out at the gardens. They had been completely transformed. An aisle ran along a stretch of grass, with hundreds of chairs on either side. The chairs with filled with Emelia and Tariq’s family and friends, as well as numerous important Al Salyans and foreign dignitaries. Theirs had quickly become the wedding of the year.

At the end of the aisle, Tariq waited under an arch covered in roses. Behind him, the roses were in full bloom, filling the garden with a sweet, fresh scent. As Emelia watched, the music began to play and the procession started. Hamid, Noora’s hand tucked comfortably into the crook of his arm, lead the group of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Next came Owen, holding the pillow with the rings high above his head like he was wading through a river and wanted to keep it dry. Maryam and Emelia giggled softly at the adorable sight.

Then came Zahra, the young daughter of two of Tariq’s advisors. She was carrying a basket full of rose petals, which she distributed methodically along the aisle with the precision of a scientist setting up an important experiment. Finally, it was time.

Linking arms, Maryam led Emelia out into the aisle.

“I’m sorry your father isn’t here to give you away,” Maryam said softly.

“So am I. But you’re here, and that’s just as good,” Emelia said, making the older woman flush with pleasure. Then, Emelia forgot everything else because Tariq was waiting for her at the end of the aisle, his eyes full of love. He was wearing a tailored suit and an airplane tie to match Owen’s.

As Emelia walked towards him, careful not to trip over her long dress and heels, she couldn’t believe her luck. For years, she’d been alone, trying to raise Owen without any help, not even considering any romance. Now she was reunited with the love of her life, a man she’d adored since college, who happened to be a perfect father to her son. Emelia didn’t think she’d ever stop smiling.

Then she was there, Maryam stepping away to stand with Owen as Tariq took Emelia’s hands in his. They smiled at each other, Emelia feeling as captivated by his rich brown eyes as ever. The vows flew by and then Tariq was kissing her and they were married — finally.