And Tariq left, racing back downstairs to his dinner with a heavy heart.
Emelia stood rooted in the hallway for a few minutes after Tariq left. He’d hurried out, glancing down at his watch with a look of concern as he went. Now Emelia felt like she couldn’t move. She felt an icy fear pouring through her veins. Enough was enough.
Emelia pulled herself out of her thoughts with a great effort. “Coming, sweets.” She took a slow breath, calming herself, then stepped back into Owen’s room. He was tucked into bed, the sheets pulled up to his chin so that just his deep brown eyes peered out.
“Wasn’t it nice that Dad came to tuck me in?” he asked, grinning his sweet little grin.
Emelia planted a kiss on his forehead, adjusting the covers even though he was already tucked in. “It was nice, huh?”
“But if Dad can’t have dinner with us, why can’t we have dinner with him?” Owen asked. He stifled a yawn. “I wouldn’t mind eating at a different table if we could eat with Dad.”
“I know, sweetheart. This is a work dinner, though.”
“It doesn’t seem fair.” Owen yawned again.
Emelia gave the smallest of sighs. Owen was right. It wasn’t fair.
“I know. But fair or not, it’s bedtime. Are you ready for some sweet dreams?”
“I’m not really sleepy.” Owen rubbed one of his eyes. “Maybe one more story?”
“Okay,” Emelia agreed, picking up one of her son’s favorite picture books. By the time she was two pages in, Owen was sound asleep. Emelia adjusted his blankets once more, then crept out of the room. She made herself a cup of tea and sat down on the couch, tucking her legs under her.
Emelia couldn’t stand for this anymore. She’d excused Tariq for such a long time, knowing how important a father was to Owen. And, if she were being honest with herself, knowing that she loved Tariq. Because she did. Emelia had loved him six years ago in college, when he’d felt like her whole world, and she loved him now.
But it was becoming more and more clear that she and Owen were Tariq’s dirty little secret. He wouldn’t introduce them to his mother. He wouldn’t let them visit him in his office or explore the city. He wouldn’t let them attend tonight’s dinner, even though Emelia had asked Hamid about it and knew that it was for dignitariesandtheir families. Tariq was hiding them for some reason, Emelia was sure of it. Probably he was ashamed of her after all. But enough was enough. This was no way for Owen to grow up.
Emelia called Noora and asked her to keep an eye on the sleeping Owen. Then she grabbed a book and walked to Tariq’s room, following a familiar path. Tariq wasn’t there, of course, so she took a seat on the floor and started to read. She was done keeping silent. It was time for Tariq to explain what was going on. Emelia would wait here as long as it took.
Almost three hours later, Tariq appeared. He looked tired, with dark circles under his eyes, but Emelia didn’t let herself feel sorry for him.
“Emelia?” He looked surprised and pleased to see her.
“We need to talk,” she said, her voice as calm as she could make it.
Tariq gave her one look up and down, saw that she was serious, and nodded. With a quick gesture, he unlocked and opened the door to his rooms. Emelia hadn’t been in here before, but she wasn’t about to get distracted. Not even by the framed photographs of her and Owen on the coffee table or the drawing of Owen’s that was tacked on one wall.
“Is everything okay with Owen?” Tariq asked.
Emelia nodded. “He’s okay. This is about something else.”
“Unless it’s an emergency, you probably shouldn’t come here,” Tariq said, sitting down on the couch. “I’m happy to meet in your rooms.”
“Why?” Emelia asked. She didn’t sit, staying standing instead. The small height advantage made her feel more confident. “Because you’re keeping me and Owen a secret? Because you’re ashamed of us?” Her voice broke a little on the last sentence.
“No, not at all.” Tariq was on his feet in a heartbeat, reaching for her hands. “I’m more than proud of you and Owen. I’m not ashamed at all. You are both the lights of my life. I love you.”
Emelia froze for a moment at the words. She wanted to stop and savor them, to feel the warmth of Tariq loving her, but she couldn’t. He hadn’t answered the most important question.
“Are you keeping us a secret?”